Saturday, January 1, 2011

So no one is posting anything... but me...

I need to look at the three possible suburbs we will be staying in in France on Google Earth. I checked them out on the satellite map, but want to "travel" through the area beforehand. They are Noisy, Montrouge or Nanterre. I did get a look at the hotel chain that EF frequently uses - Mercure - and it looks decent and nice... I have a Rosetta Stone freebie sample cd to install on the Mac and hope to practice my pronunciation and pick up important phrases... Hubby gave me a Paris calendar of black and white photos to get me all geared up. And my cousin is very excited for the trip... She's a mellow and sarcastic sort so I will try to match her up with someone similar for rooms...

Going to New Hope today to see the in-laws. At least today's Christmas plan does not look to be postponed from weather. Then, tomorrow, friends with their two kids come up. They may be looking to move to our freak town and they've never seen the house or met Millie... let's see how that goes... maybe Millie will come out from under the bed...

And.... received my Kino order yesterday!!! Cannot wait to watch the Christmas video - all early 20th century films - and the improved Metropolis and then.... the nightmare of The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari.... nightmares to follow...


Anonymous said...

Hi Vasa- I would put an exclamation point but my shift button doesn't work, haha.
Anyways, I am taking my pictures today. I was sick since Christmas Eve and am almost in perfect condition.
Hope you had a lovely break

Vasa said...

Oh, some life!!!! (my exclamation point never let's me down.. ha ha) TI am sorry that you were sick, but at least you had Friskie to keep you company... Take those pictures.... see you tomorrow! Happy New Year to the family...