Friday, December 23, 2011

Good things:  former students visiting; much of the classes actually worked or listened to me give instructions on the last day of school before the Christmas vacation; reading a fascinating book on the history of Hungary while planning a trip to the father country; a great night seeing the Nutcracker at the Community Theatre in Morristown with Gary Fagin and the state orchestra.

Bad things:  drama and events at work that make me sad and realize I cannot possibly make it to retirement in this place; missing a visit from a former student; getting to be sick as a dog on the first day of vacation.

My throat is sore as hell, my mouth hurts because my Invisalign has sharp edges and I just can't file them down more right now with my leaky, drippy nose.  So my teeth are wrapped in plastic and wax and I look like I have a mouth full of marbles.  Fabulous.  But I guess I could use the down time to get art done.  I have a bag full of bone, bug and felt work.  I have the grand idea of making casts of my hands for mounts but using the plastic mold making thing instead of plaster.  Then I want to work in the darkroom this coming week - if Millie allows.  She always yells from upstairs right as I get everything set up.  Might as well leave the chemistry out in the trays like at work so I can just rush, black out the windows and get moving.  Perhaps bang out a print or two before the crying starts. 

The ICP winter schedule came in the mail.  I think, if scheduling allows, I will finally take a two day workshop.  I see a few in alternative processes that I would love to do.  I need to get more things done to enter into shows. 

Speaking of shows, the A.I.R. Gallery Generations VIII closing reception on Wednesday was nice.  Although I posted information online, no one showed.  But I did get to meet the woman who runs the gallery and couple of the other artists in the show.  Then we went to Rice, a restaurant around the corner from the gallery.  Super nice place for such a rich pert of Brooklyn and hubby's green rice dish was super good, as was my curry and basmati dish.  Now if only I could get off my butt and get more work in shows....

Saturday, December 10, 2011

So I was going to type up the minutes from this week's Historic Preservation meeting - I am the secretary - but the events of that evening were so anger inducing, I just want to be happy today and not relive it.  To top it all off, the last three months' meetings have been so long they have run into the 9.00 pm airing of "Foyle's War" on NJN and that is a mystery that is broken up into two parts.   And I miss the second half all the time now.  So I thought the show was not on this week.  But.... I walk onto the porch and see through the living window that, yes, indeedy, there it is on the TV screen with hubby and Millie snuggling on the couch in Masterpiece Mystery bliss.  While I sat at Town Hall groaning at the stupidity of people who cannot stay on topic and suffering with open windows... and I just can't convey the anger.  I love having the students know how much I volunteer but I can't lie, sometimes it is not fun. 

I am reading a book I bought down in DC.  It is about having teachers make stronger bonds with the community to help strengthen schools.  So far, the points jive with what I have wanted in PV for many years.  I think we could get the parents/guardians more interested in their kids' schooling if we welcome them and I am eager to learn tangible methods to use.  Let's see how this goes....

Tuesday, December 6, 2011


The house all decorated inside.  I decided to go with a "Bows & Balls" theme this year.  I used Christmas ribbon that my grandmother had but never got the chance to use.  I made bows for the first floor windows.  I picked up my parents' old pre-lit tree last night.  I am tired of our tree and want a change.  I do hope it will fit the height of our rooms but I may have to finagle something.  The tree we have is a circa 1950's tree we picked up at the curb about 13 years ago.  I love it but it is time to use another one.  I really wish I never let the one in my grandmother's attic go.  I could use a tree that meant something then... but I will be using her Christmas balls.  We have so many tree decorations that I can decorate the rest of the house with tons of balls.  My ideal would be to spray my dry hibiscus branches with silver or gold and suspend them from the ceilings in the dining and living room and then hang balls from there.  Perhaps next year.

I have a photo in the Generations VIII exhibit at the A.I.R. Gallery in Brooklyn.  The opening was last week - skipped it b/c I cannot take a trip to Brooklyn twice in one week.  But I will be attending the closing reception.  I posted the information online in the hopes that some friends will show up.  But only one friend ever showed up to a reception of mine.  Two have said they went to see the work in a gallery show, but they probably skimmed through.  Ah well... one can hope for more...

Oh, and Millie snagged a swipe of my pumpkin pie and now wants pizza and pie nearly every night.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Eye openers...

So I have had to attend a couple of work or family gatherings in the past month.  Let's just say I feel like I either live at school or the Brownstone.  Some of the events made me happy I went, while others made me realize what I do not like about life.  At one event, I was able to talk a bit with someone with whom I never knew how much I had in common until relatively recently.  At another, I realized why I only associate with certain types of people. 

We work in a school district like so many others - a broad spectrum of society lives in the sending districts.  We have lower and middle class families and students; there is no one here who is a part of the real upper class.  There are students who are homeless, parent-less, living in grand mansions, small apartments, wondering when the parent/guardian will finally find a job, never realizing what anything costs because mommy & daddy pay for everything.  Quite a wide array of life situations.  And I have a great deal of trouble living my life being wasteful.  I hate to throw food out.  The hubby and I feel bad if we have a fruit or veggie that rots before we eat it.  Of course this only ends up being composted.  But, you get the idea.  I am mindful of the fact that wasting and being a pig is poor manners and insensitive.  Unfortunately, I came to the realization that I am in the minority in this respect in some of my life situations.

So what do I do to challenge this?  I am not quite sure yet.  I do not to avoid those social situations in the future.  No one wants to hear someone question their choices.  But I can't stand the insensitivity I see.  Not all students are like this, but I fear they are learning by example.  Just very distressing....

Sunday, November 6, 2011

How I built my darkroom

When we bought the house, there was no sink in the basement.  Most importantly, you need a water source.  We had the plumber install a slop sink.  Since our water pipes are high up, we had to also install a pump to the sink drain to pump all drained water up to the exit pipe.  For most of you, that will not be the case.

We had a big island in our small kitchen We had it cut down smaller and saved the top counter piece.  With this my husband built a work table for me.  This is where the printing and processing is done.  The darkroom materials were given to me by my sister.  She no longer does analog and the equipment is at least 15 years old, but it still works.  This includes a less expensive - but no less capable - Omega enlarger, printing easel, contact proofing frame, four trays, tongs, steel reels and tanks for 35mm and 120mm film, film squeegee, print washing tray, funnel, graduates, bottles for chemical storage, and old clothes pins for hanging film.

Under the sink, I put a shelf to hold the chemicals, graduates, funnel and other things.  All mixed chemistry is on the floor in plastic light-proof bottles.  I used to use Kodak - still have a couple of bags left - but tried Eco-Pro to test it before switching the PV darkroom.  I liked it and only will buy that from now on.  It is safer for the environment and I like the results.

I no longer buy 35mm film in individual rolls.  I roll my own film using the snap caps I bought when an undergraduate.  I use Ilford HP5.  I do buy my 120 film for when I run out of what my sister ofloaded.  I have some expired Ektar that is a lot of money to process as it is colour.  I also have some Tri-X and Plus X left over from my sister.  Holga just started making film and received a few rolls of that as a gift.  I cannot wait to try that out!

I have no changing bag.  I sit in my bedroom closet, put a towel at the bottom of the door and put the film on the reel in the dark.  To darken the basement, I scrounged around for opaque black fabric.  I sewed it up to double it and then added sticky velcro strips.  When printing, I velcro the fabric to the two windows and the door glass to keep the light out.

As extra inspiration, I am including images of my workspace in a bedroom in our house. I have a drafting table that I use when making books, small scale sculptures and working on altering my photos.  Most supplies are stored in a cabinet from my Grandma's house, under the work table and in the attic.  I keep fabric, toy cameras, metalsmithing tools, and other odds and ends in the cabinet.  Oil paints are under the table.  I also have little storage containers about the room.  It may not make for the neatest room in the house, but I find new ways of reorganizing it occasionally.  The most important thing is that I have all supplies readily available for when the mood to work strikes me.  

And yes, that is the one and only Millie, inspecting the supplies.  Now go out and make some art!


SO I do not know how many of you are of voting age, but if you are registered - and why the heck wouldn't you be - make sure you get to the polls on Tuesday.  Check out the ballot you received in the mail last week and research the issues.  Read about what the people stand for and how their election could help or hurt you.  Do not believe what one entity says.  Find out for yourself.  And don't think voting on party lines is the best way.  Different candidates have different ideas and you need to find out for yourself. 

In Australia, eligible voters who do not vote are fined.  Depending on your gender and race, you would not have been allowed to vote in the US just 100 years ago.  So since it is such a privilege to be able to, why the heck wouldn't you spend 5-10 minutes of your day pushing those buttons or pulling that lever?  And get this, if you do not like who is running, you can write in a person.  There are elections that have been won by write-in candidates.... Imagine that...

And coming up... my darkroom and how I put it together.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

My grain...

So the storm of the month wreaked havoc with my herbs.  (But it did not keep me from going to the annual WFMU record fair in NYC!)  I frantically tried to unearth sage, lemon balm, cilantro, chives and others.  Had to dig out two tomatoes from under the snow.  Can't even find the pimpernel and others.  The lavender is smooshed...  Smacked myself in the face when pulling bush branches up from under the snow....  I had to cut all the amaranth and start drying it.  Excited to have my own homegrown grain.  Tasted a couple of pieces and it was yummy!

The tiredness today turned into a migraine so no working in the garden when I arrived home.  Of course, like a fool, I tried to read.  My brain pounded back furiously.  So I gave in, closed the magazine and napped with Millie.

Yesterday was a relative success regarding Halloween.  There were a few kids who braved the steep hill to come to the house - one group was driven by their mother - and hubby was delighted.  I, on the other hand, was busy with a little pumpkin named Lucy.  The cute one came by all dressed up!  If allowed, I would post pictures of her, but they will remain my secret.  I dressed up as a brand new Beseler 23cIII enlarger in the box - every photographer's dream!  At least I thought it was funny!  The hunt is on for next year's costume.... a hint:  my favourite Winnie-the-Pooh character....

Sunday, October 23, 2011

So I haven't been posting b/c I have just been too busy... There are some things going super swell, others, not so much. 

I am working on trying to get the students to shoot more that they have actually set up instead of what is readily available.  Luckily, some in Photo I had problems with the cameras and had to shoot in class, which forces them to set up a shoot!  Tee hee... Then when others see the backdrops, fancy lights, and the super photos, hopefully that will drive them to set up shoots in class or at home.

Made a couple of submissions over the past couple of weeks.  I am so tired and busy that I haven't been shooting. However, I have managed to develop 4 rolls of film at home.  I have three more to go with the bunch from the Italy trip.  I'm bringing a box of my paper to work tomorrow to make the contact prints.  Every time I set up the basement darkroom when I am home alone, Millie starts to cry from the top of the stairs.  It's a bit hard to work with that going on!

I usually go to DC for the teacher's convention weekend.  That coincides with Foto Week down there and there are always lots of photo exhibits and the galleries are open late for First Friday.  Unfortunately, the hotel we stay at had a super deal but not including that week.  So I am going down another weekend.  But there are some super photo shows that I can't wait to see....  Can't wait to get onto New York Ave and feel like I am home...

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Surprisingly good...

So I put up a different journal question regarding a very well known image form the Vietnam War.  I am quite pleased with the responses so far.  I really want to take the Photo 2 gang in a direction that forces them to be more thoughtful in their work.  I want them to communicate something valid, not just take pretty pictures.  Recent talks I've had with acquaintances and meeting I've gone to have convinced me that, as a teacher, I need to make sure my students are growing up to be socially and culturally aware.  I need to work on that this year.

On another note, Czeps & I met with the daughter of a co-worker this morning.  She is a student heavily involved in the Wayne Valley GSA and would like to link up with ours and wanted some ideas.  Our fearless president is also working on building a connection with the Montclair GSA.  I have a feeling we will soon be a pretty happening club... We may even do a newsletter or have some sort of a web presence... I dream of a day when bullies and homophobes will know they have no home at PV.  We are getting there...

Friday, September 23, 2011

It has begun...

... so the whirlwind that is the new school year has kept me away for a few weeks.  I feel like I go from total relaxation to hitting the ground so fast, particularly after a low physical activity summer - thanks to that darned hand surgery.  But last night was "Back to School" night and thus, the roller coaster first three weeks of the school year come to an end.  Now I can just move on smoothly - well, relatively - and do my thing.   And apparently that is confusing the heck out of the Photo II ladies and gents.  I just did not think doing a series of sampler projects in different processes would be so hard to understand?  It's like going for gelato:  you get the little spoons to taste a couple flavours before you make that commitment to the flavour you will order - a small for me please.  Ah well....

And the Photo I kids?  What a delight!  So quick to grasp everything!  And, shock of all shocks, I require a notebook now and almost all of them have one... and take notes... and listen...

Monday, the Photo III ladies are to have the shoot done and we critique.  I want it to run real well.  Afterwards, I will show them samples from AP Art- Photo portfolios to let them see what I am looking for as far as body of work...

High hopes for this year... and not a cruel-hearted student in the bunch.  Sure, some of them swear and bicker, but no nastiness like other times...

Time to cuddle with Millie...

Monday, August 29, 2011


So I was in Italy for 8 days. Met my parents who were over there visiting lots of my mom's relatives. We stayed in a teeny town in the south, south-east of Naples. Absolute rural farm country. It was fabulous! Then we spent three days in Rome. I took 812 digital images, four rolls of 120 film and nearly three rolls of 35mm.

Here's a picture to whet the appetite...

Monday, August 15, 2011

So the past week has consisted of taking care of my parents' cats, waiting for good weather - didn't come, getting ready for the trip to Italy, and trying to do some art.

The weather stinks - too cold to swim last week and then nothing but rain. I had to try to vacuum the pool today in the rain. There is green algae on the bottom and I am just annoyed with it. Chlorine switch next year.... This has been the summer of slime... At least there won't be slime in the Mediterranean at Paestum...

Taking care of the parents' cats is a job because they are both special needs kitties. And I always try to undo the damage my dad does spoiling her, knowing full well he will ruin my efforts when he gets back. Gimpy is dangerously obese and that aggravates her arthritis (which is partly a result of her long ago broken leg). If she was lighter, that would put less stress on her bones. If she was given herbal medicine that might alleviate the pain, she may be less depressed and grumpy. So, I put her on a diet and give her herbal medicine at each visit. What do I get? A ferociously loveable cat. She purrs nonstop, walks faster, drooled on me and even lets me pick her up. Hmmm.. perhaps I know what I am doing?

I have been working on small sculptures with bones and bugs. The final part involved felting. I tried it last week. I can't do it. The bottom of my right palm hurts too much to apply the pressure I need to apply while rubbing the wool. I got 6 pieces and one flat piece done, but not without pain. There is also swelling. The wrist where the incision is fine but this is a new development. Back to the doctor on the 26th....

I leave for Rome tomorrow, so that is a bright spot. I fly in overnight, get picked up by the parents, and we drive back to the apartment they rented in Zuppino. I am nearly all packed and just glad to have been able to get the ticket for the price I got it at. I am bringing the Holga, the Diana mini and the T2i. Lots of b&w 120mm and just a few 35mm. May also bring a sketchbook and some pens...

I developed the film from Paris with some Acufine from work that would have been thrown out. I took one can home to test if it was still good considering it is most likely older than me. It is a bit weak so I extended the development time by a minute or so and great results! Once the school year starts and it gets darker earlier, I plan to print in the basement more. Of course, that has to be done while the hubby is home. Millie cries too much if we are not on the same floor and the basement is a no go for her...

I think she and I need some cuddle time before I leave... time to put the red blankie over me on the couch...

Thursday, August 11, 2011


So even though I plan the projects in June, I am always tweaking things. So I have been reading - as usual - and looking at stuff on the computer. Some things planned for P2 & 3:

  • Experimentation and in-depth work with aperture
  • Flash - both on the hot shoe and off
  • More history - this should motivate them to do more stuff that is non-stock or snapshot-y
  • Self-publishing
  • A report - I've done this when I taught middle school... tons of more work for me but they truly learn more
  • Experimentation in the darkroom as an assignment or an element of one
  • Formal portraiture - I saw a box of something donated when I was in the room recently; with the lights we got from media last winter and the new backdrop, we can do this for real
  • Revising permissible submissions and the frequency of them.

Needless to say, I am not going to back down and skip the really hard stuff. I know many will struggle, but they don't learn and appreciate what I teach if it comes easily. After talking to a former student, I realized I am teaching the right stuff and it should not be a problem if I try to challenge them. I am sure I will get arguments and problems from parents, but this isn't for me. It's for the students and the program. Too many kids get into college and then need to take remedial classes or are not ready for the work and difficulty. I don't want my kids to get by in college. I want them to blow away the other art students...

Now off to do some art...


So I realized no one is reading about Paris. So I will just leave it as a wonderful experience that will be a secret between me and some super cool photo students....

The last couple of days we went to the Eiffel Tower, some gals went on a Seine River cruise as the sun went down, M.M. wowed us with her ability to bargain down the price of a souvenir, some of the group went to a small town out in the country, some of us met up with one gal's uncle and had fantastic gelato, we went to Pere Lachaise cemetery to see Jim Morrison's grave (and many others!), we went to Montmartre and saw the seedy area... So many nice things and, though I was beat when I got back home and thought I'd be fine with no trip next summer, I am actually missing the togetherness and good vibes. I am going to try for the Berlin/Prague trip, knowing it probably will not happen... Gosh I miss the gals...

Tuesday, August 2, 2011


And now... back to Paris. We went to the Louvre on their late night - Thursday - to avoid crowds. Fabulous idea. Students went their way, hubby, Lisa, Dems and I went ours. Dems didn't care what she saw, so I led. Hubby and Lisa tired easily - of course - and we left them to wander. I like the old, creepy, devilish Medieval and Early Renaissance. So, the walk involved seeking just that type of gory thing out. The end goal was to show Dems the Brueghel and Bosch. Alas, those galleries were closed. But, on the way to finding hubby, we happened upon the apartments of Napolean III. I am a sucker for whole rooms exhibited in situ. This was amazing - plush chairs, flocked walls, spiral stairs, 19th century heating fixtures and one loooong dining room table.

We hung around outside the Louvre as the sun set and waited for the rest of the groups to make it out. It was such a nice night. I still don't like the I.M. Pei pyramid, but the rest of the Louvre was just wonderful. Of course, we all only saw a fraction of it. And a funny aside - as we were standing inside by a planter, Lisa saw a mouse! She tried to get a picture and I looked for the cutie, but he must have run up inside the planter. This is funny because a few years back, I bought a kids' book about a mouse that lives at the Louvre. I thought the drawings were Gorey-esque. The mouse stops a theft from happening. Wonder if the mouse was related... tee hee...

Monday, July 25, 2011


Yeah, that about sums up the summer since returning from Paris... Sure, I am a lefty, but only the hubby and a couple select people truly know how much I do over the summer. I do not like sitting still, at all, and this has really put a cramp in things. One week with bandages and heavy pain killers. Then the sight of the the stitches made me faint. Then I got used to that - by forcing myself to shoot it! - and now I can use the right hand, sort of... Well, actually, it sucks in plain English. I have slow reaction time with the last two fingers and very limited range of motion at the wrist.

I did manage to finish three mini-books last night in my work room, but it was hard. I can take photos. I can do a little gardening... but.... I am really slowed down. This may sound like a bunch of whining but here's the thing... for 10 months out of the year I give all effort to work, some to volunteering, some to my art. Summer is "me" time, time to catch up on all that's been neglected. I'm not able to do my normal routine at the pace I am accustomed to. Of course, it's not like I am one of the art teachers out there that does no art.... ugh... And I wake up in the morning with it feeling really stiff. I was going to finish replacing the doors in the house. Then there was the plan to repair the old Grundig stereo and I have another turntable with a motor to be repaired. I badly want to go back to Miller-Kingsland to do more grounds-keeping. And then there's the neglected cemetery I wanted to take care of...

And the stitches are hanging loose at the tie point and I so badly want to trim them or pull them out... I detest loose ends... then there's this guy who contacts me about shots for the PV Class of '61 and I don't even do yearbook anymore but I agree to do this thing for him....

At least I have our birthdays to look forward to this week and then Italy on the 16th...

Friday, July 15, 2011

No type...

So I truly want to post the rest about the trip, but I need to rest the right hand, so I will post some pictures now and get to the story telling when the hand is unbandaged...

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

So thank you mom for taking pictures! This is me and the bundled hand post-snip snip. It is still numb and I have strong pain killers. I cannot drive or do much of anything for awhile. Mother says maybe I will now slow down. Ha! I can still type! Perhaps I will do more drawing too... Break out the pens and ink bottles!
Paris post to come later... Need to spend time with Millie before my surgery. Since they wouldn't let me have a light breakfast, I have a hunch I will be knocked out. I cannot take pictures of my surgery if they knock me out. Poopy....

I would kill for a good OJ or coffee right now...

Monday, July 11, 2011


Snip snip is tomorrow. I need to show up at 11.30 am. I cannot eat or drink from midnight on... holy crap!!! That's a long time without OJ or coffee!

So back to Paris...
Friday was our day on the bus. We had a grand tour of the city with witty commentary by Mario! It was so much better than February b/c the sun was out and it was not raining. We stopped to rest and look at the Eiffel Tower. I finally had a crepe. Delish! Then off to more stuff. We took the bus to Versailles. I loved the gardens. In the labyrinth, there was a cafe. Some girls got snacks and I made a friend. Lisa and I - along with two small children - saw a cat and I got to pet the cutie pie! Then into Versailles. I could have spent all day in just the gardens. I didn't have much time to walk around after the snacks and I didn't get to see Marie Antoinette's follies. Alas, for another trip.

I didn't take many pics inside the palace this time. I just looked and appreciated. Then when we were done, the girls left me and hubby so they could gift shop. We wandered back in, got curious and found a series of rooms Adoram didn't know about and were not on my brochure map! Whoa! Secret stuff! There were obviously not fully restored but I was all giddy!

So back onto the bus... to Notre Dame! Oh dear! Giddy as all heck that the sun was out, the sky was a gorgeous blue and I was going inside! I was irked that some tourists were rude and loud. There was a mass going on and they were ignorant. But, it was gorgeous and I was snapping away. Then outside to snap some more. I just love the history of these buildings and the details. I don't really think many others get it, but I love it so much that I could always go into Art History if teaching gets to be too much. We looked at the Seine and the gardens behind the cathedral. Everyone truly enjoys being outside in Europe. My neighbour never sees the light of day. I wonder if the son is even alive. But in Paris - as in the UK - so many people outside in the nice weather. The parks by me are void of people, but not in Europe. sigh...

Then dinner. We ate at a chain called Hippopotamus. The veggie meal was fabulous! Ratatouille, steamed green beans and potatoes au gratin. The carnivores were jealous, but they loved their meals too.

More than made up for last night. And dessert... chocolate mousse! We were all so content after that. Then... well, we still had energy, and I don't like museum crowds, so we opted to go to the Louvre for their late hours rather than do it on a weekend day.

Louvre report to come...

Sunday, July 10, 2011


So between breakfast and getting on the bus one morning, I open the french doors in our room, look out into the ratty courtyard and see the kitty pictured in the prior post. A resident of the nearby flat, she was on the ledge of a window, looking right at me! Even the French cats are friendly! So, naturally I gave her blinkies and she blinkied back and it went on like that for a while. We bonded!

I really want to post more about the trip but today is Millicent's 7th birthday so I will spend some time with her. Surgery on Tuesday, so tomorrow's post may be long...

Friday, July 8, 2011

Oh la la....

Day One: get off the plane, freshen up at the hotel and get moving!!! Luxembourg Gardens and the Palace. Already the weather was better than when I was here in February. We were all tired but the gals look smashing in the group shot. The skies were amazing for taking pictures. I know I will be changing some to black and white and playing with them. Hopefully I can access PS5 on the remote web access over the summer.

While in Heathrow for our stopover, I was successful in getting everyone over to the cult of Wagamama. We all looked forward to a lunch there during our return layover.

We went to dinner - it was, um, eh...

When the dinner was over, sleepy time. Dems, Dave and I went to a local cafe to discuss the day and I went over the agenda for the next day. Dave and I always like to find a local place to patronize at the end of each day, and the Convention Cafe was looking like it. Needless to say, the location of the hotel was absolutely great! Right in the 15th arrondissement! Super! But.... and a big BUT... it was under renovation and ick. We realized that it was not dirty, it was nice and the bathrooms were really clean. But the halls were a disaster. Plastic tarps on the floors and the lights hanging from the ceilings. Oof....

But then there was this...

Thursday, July 7, 2011


... not going out much lately because Millie missed us so much when we were in Paris she purred non-stop overnight; I have a lot to do in the garden before the surgery; well, NJ just does not compare to Europe... Arm is also currently going numb from about 4 inches below the elbow to the and of the fingers. Assuming it is connected to the carpal tunnel, so I can no longer work at Miller-Kingsland. sniffle...

Paris, gosh, I never know I could like my students even more than I did, but wow were they great! Such a varied group and no problems. They really are special. The other schools had issues - hello alcoholic teacher! - and tensions among the students, but not the PV photo gals!

I really want to post so much but they will have to be in parts because I have to water the garden. I have a couple of radishes popping up and a zucchini on the way! The red raspberries are so plentiful too... it is just so great out there! And some tomato flowers to come! Woo hoo!!!!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Returned from Paris last night. I already miss the girls and the city a lot. Uploaded my photos and rotated. Too tired to post them or even burn the cd. But lots to write and such... Even better than the Cali trip two years ago... sigh.

At least having Millie to come home to makes it bearable.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

All set for Paris. I definitely need a break from the depressing existence that is living in New Jersey at this moment. I cannot wait to look at newspapers that will not have the "governor" on the front page. And I will be there with some fabulous students.

Photo information: Kodak Tmax 400 shot with a Holga in February of this year. The weather reports for the next week in Paris appear to be better than what I had to deal with back then...

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Here is a "Happy Graduation" Millie picture from me to all the graduating Photography students. I hope all of you keep taking pictures forever....

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

I just registered for my surgery online... weird...

Thank goodness I am left-handed. Though typing, sewing, making sculptures, gardening... it will all be fairly tough one-handed...

But I only need one good hand to scratch a Millie chin and one good arm to hug her.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Lots to do...

So I am on a tear to get things done by July 12.

Crossed off the to-do list:
  • deer fence around veggie garden
  • new composter installed
  • pool ladder in
  • dead headed the roses
  • added black gold aka compost to the veggies

More to-do:
  • finish trimming, staining and installing the last of the solid wood doors in the house
  • art projects that require two hands
  • finish the pile of sewing repairs and projects
  • clean windows in and out
  • clean gutters since hubby doesn't like heights (this is tricky b/c our house is on a hill so one side is two stories high and the other is about three - the gutter cleaner went "oof" when he saw that)
  • Miller-Kingsland weeding - perhaps the renter will learn how to weed when he sees my example...
  • plant the last of the seeds
Concessions I have to make:
  • the cemetery I want to clean up will probably end up being pushed back to the fall
  • the new weed whacker will be the tool for trimming, as opposed to my hand clippers, which I always preferred because it works my arms
  • my goal to increase my biking will be limited to short distances
  • I may not be able to make it to the march in DC in July if I have to drive
I so wanted this to be done in the winter when I had Christmas break. The doctors figured this was what it is but insurance companies make you and the doctors do all these tests - massively expensive MRI's and x-rays - that confirm nothing. If the hunch was CPS, then why couldn't they just go by the in-office tests - I have always tested positive for both the Tinal and Phalen tests. So now, I am going to be severely limited during the summer - the most active time of the year for me. I always catch up on all my art making, get a lot of the garden volunteering done, help my parents with their garden, and help my sister with Lucy. Now, thanks to the stupidity of insurance, my summer is screwed. At least I can still go in the pool and write...

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Ok, so maybe not Italy... sigh...

Friday, June 17, 2011

Snip, snip...

So... July 12 I go for surgery. I made sure it was scheduled after the Paris trip. I said I need to be able to chaperone unhindered...

Apparently the only thing dynamic about me is my carpal tunnel syndrome. Dynamic Carpal Tunnel is not constant. It flares up when you resume use of the hand and wrist. So in the winter when I don't garden and hibernate and thus do not get moved to do art - when I am not in the manic summer gotta-sleep-as-little-as-possible-to-do-everything mode - I am not working the wrist so less pain. But now that I am working it, oh boy.....

So, summer looks like this:

Paris, surgery, jury duty (can't forget this time!), birthday, Lucy turns one, Italy.... hmmm... that's a pretty big bummer there after Paris...

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

The good, the bad & the ugly

The Good:
  • getting ready for Paris
  • seeing some really great work coming from my Photo II and III students even at this point in the year
  • seedlings are coming up in the gardens at home
  • Millie is needy, in a lap kind of way
  • the yearbook looks good; congrats!
  • the last issue of the Valley Echo has a feature on our trip to Paris; and it is a great issue, yet again!
  • going to Italy in August with mother and father (Zuppino and Rome)
  • Dallas Mavericks win the title! Yay Dirk!!!
The Bad:
  • tomorrow is the last time I see some kids
  • I will be away from Millie for almost a week
  • I am trying to remember French
  • I do not speak Italian and thus, cannot speak to my mother's relatives in August
  • some kids have senioritis REAL bad
  • it is cold and raining a lot lately - translation, possibility of root rot in the garden
The Ugly:
  • some kids are real nasty because they "can't wait to get out of this place!"
  • my attempts to remember anything in French - pathetic
  • the behaviour of LeBron and Wade regarding Dirk's fever - no one made fun of MJ when he played a finals game with a fever years ago...

Friday, June 10, 2011

So everyone at Casa Vasa made it through the week without melting. No, our lone air conditioner is not yet installed. But we do have our two ceiling fans and one floor fan going. No complaints from Millie...

Paris is in 20 days and I am feeling the crunch to remember at least some French. I may have had a nightmare about it and then blocked it out - or I may truly be worrying. But I am getting excited and hoping there will be a bit less rain than in February. We were working on assembling the packets of sold cards and the girls seemed to be having fun and were joking with each other. So, phew, it looks like there will be no personality conflicts.

This was the last full week of teaching. Exam schedule starts next week. Someone in third period asked what I would do if I had a schedule with 8 periods of kids like period 3. My answer: I would quit. And that segues to.... My sister quit her teaching job. She can't justify leaving Lucy to go work with a co-worker who is miserable to work with. At least I work with a couple of decent people here. Also, the kids in Madison just don't seem to be as involved and excited about the art classes. I have been hearing and seeing things this year that make me realize I really can't stand many people who work at PV, but at least I enjoy the time in the classroom. So, she is really looking to push herself to do her photography business. She has her first paying shoot this weekend with a co-worker of mine. She is also working on a website. I hope to get our Etsy re-vamped this summer and list more new items for sale. Anything so she can stay home with Lulu...

Who, by the way, was a hit at the Art Show. I do feel she proved me right in my assessment of her being the cutest baby around...

And on the homefront... the pool is open, almost ready to swim in, all seeds are planted, gardens are filling in, roses blooming and mulberries ripening like crazy... woo hoo!

Friday, June 3, 2011


Want to pay for your project or first year of art school?

A friend is using this to try to pay for the next recording for the band he manages. Lots of art students and artists use it... good luck...

Wednesday, June 1, 2011


Who needs a sauna when you have the Farrell Gym? Set up the Art Show today. A BIG hug - virtual, not real 'cos I'm not touchy-feely - and thanks to those students who helped hang all the photos. Dems kids and mine worked so well together and made the most out of god-awful weather. And no one fainted from the heat!

So as a reward to myself, I plan to hunker down in the dungeon for as long as I can before first period tomorrow morning and play my music all alone.... go to my happy place...

I drop off two small sculptures in Demarest tomorrow before dinner. I had two older pieces accepted into a small works show. And I mailed off my piece for A.I.R. Gallery's Wish You Were Here show. So a trip to Brooklyn is coming up for that one.

And for the best news...

I finally sold a work of art! At the opening Friday, a couple bought one of my photos! He's from France, and they live nearby in Morris County. I am stunned and sort of sad that I will never see my work again. I have not really pursued selling anything because of my reluctance to part with my stuff. And I am now forced to... but it is really cool... I'm not going to get rich doing this, since it is only when I get a break from teaching, but I feel legit now. Like it is something I can defend to others who say I am wasting my time... not that I ever care what others said about me anyhoo...

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

No Internet

Yes, Verizon did it again... I have no internet again. So if you are or were hoping for any communication with me... call Verizon and ask them why anytime Morris County - or 973 - gets a smidgen of rain and a breeze the internet and/or phone go out....

And I can't even get online during office hours to research switching providers.....grrrrrr......

Thursday, May 26, 2011

The Weekend...

So I have probably moaned and groaned about this before, but here goes...

So many students going down to the shore for the holiday. Fine. But they are not necessarily there to go to the beach. The houses are scummy and rented by unscrupulous people. And there is a large amount of alcohol and probably drugs. Of course no one says that in such a clear way in front of me so that I cannot report it - and boy would I. But you always hear about it way after the fact. There also seems to be some fascination with those who do drugs and there was a recent party bust with students in participation.

I may look young and it may be assumed I took part in that when I was in high school. However, I did not. I let the students know this. I don't think they all believe me. Those who do, some appreciate the fact that I validate their clean living. Others think I am a loser for it.

So my opinion of these activities... Alcohol has a long history as a beverage to be enjoyed. I am half-Italian and understand the craft of making wine as a few relatives make their own. You cannot enjoy the beverage if you are drunk out of your mind - and most of what they drink is not enjoyable. Drugs are illegal, plain and simple. And I do believe that the majority of people in this area do take part. So for those kids who think they are breaking the rules and being daring, unique, different... well, you are not. Those of us who do not and never have are the unique ones theses days kiddies... Another reason I do not like drugs are the incarceration statistics. I care too much about equality to ignore this. There are more minorities in prison for drug offenses but are they really outnumbering the drug users that much? No they are not.

There's also such a connection to such horrible gang wars in countries where drugs are big business. If you have read anything about the murders and rapes and kidnappings in Mexico, you couldn't, in good consciousness, take part in that business, regardless of how far down the chain you are. But that does not dawn on or bother any of the "cool" people who partake...

And my last reason... I like to be in control of what I feel and what happens to me. There are so many variables we cannot control. But I like to be conscious of what is going on at all times. Why put myself at risk when I don't need to be?

Every year the same old story: rent the house, get someone to buy the alcohol, leave earlier in the week than Senior Cut Day, get drunk or drugged up out of your mind, maybe get raided by the cops and brag like you are a rebel. But rebels do their own thing and the students the go DTS for MDW and drink and do drugs are not...

I just wish I could get through to all of you...

Saturday, May 21, 2011


So no phone and intermittent internet until at least Monday. Get to use the computer at the parents' house but that means limited time and I don't think dad wants me looking at the political sites I peruse... sigh...

And with the increase in gardening, I am putting the cortisone shot to the test. It is failing. Trying to hold a magazine to read last night.... pain, utter pain.

But at least I get to go back the the M-K house to weed and prep the property for the town house tour. Woo hoo! And a friend on the Historic Society asked me if my house was on the tour! Ha! I think he was joking... now if the started the garden tours again, that would be another story.

So kids, here is your warning: for the next few weeks, Mufasa will most likely be covered in bug bites and allergic reactions to random plants... you have been warned. But if anything oozes, I will cover it up. Promise...

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Verizon, how I hate you...

So I have to take the day off to make sure Verizon shows up to my house and actually fixes what is broken, i.e. every service I pay them dearly for...

So I just watch the light on the cordless phone blink incessantly.... even though the line is not in use (???) ... and I watch the lights on the modem blink as a constant threat that I am losing internet ... thought I have so much work to do online...

So I will go outside and battle the mosquitoes and garden, then go in the attic and do the grandma shoot I have to do - yes, I have to do this because I can't say certain things I want to say - and now it looks like I am losing connection again...


Wednesday, May 11, 2011


So I have been wondering why the students have no desire or ability to pay attention to anything for very long. I despise having to dumb things down and simplify my projects for all levels and wish I could go back to the days in Rockaway Borough when I had kids do more writing and I could do more lecturing about things and the attention spans were greater.

Then I watched the Celtics-Heat game on channel 7 Saturday night. And it all became crystal clear.

After one round of commercials I wanted to do any or all of the following: kick in the TV, sue the advertisers for brain damage, find a permanent way to protect my eyes and ears from the assault. I felt like I had been subjected to torture. Everything was so loud, bright, rapid fire and bam bam bam bam.... Nothing can be said in full sentences, there are no cohesive thoughts presented and the pace was lightning speed. It truly was an assault on the senses. And the kids - or the general public for that matter - does not seem to be bothered at all. They have acclimated to it and adjusted themselves to suit the commercials. And the commercials for the movies? Oh god! Awful... Cars flipping, explosions, people yelling and holy cow! I mean, I used to love watching "Chips" when I was little and that had all that stuff, but there was something in between all that action too...

I just realized that playing the calming Classical or fun Jazz music in the room and trying to run the pace and keep everyone's attention the way I am doing it is a losing battle. Perhaps I need to introduce more art films and get them used to another pace...

Not sure, but I have to think of something...

Tuesday, May 10, 2011


Here is a link to a student writing contest. I know this is Photography class, but I believe I have a few students who would qualify for this...

If you need to know anything about the publication, talk to me...

In the mean time, I have gotten my butt outside as soon as I get home this week to garden. Cut the dead branches off the butterfly bush/tree that my Grandma Berry gave me. I pulled weeds in the grass by hand - we do not fertilize, use weed killer, or apply any chemicals (cheaper and more effective). I also moved the rocks that border the veggie garden area. I expanded that area by 1/3 and hope to be able to fit a lot more this year. The herbs I planted and keep on the porch are doing nicely despite the cold nights. And perhaps the best of all, I was able to make a salad yesterday using fresh herbs! First of the season. Yum yum...

Monday, May 2, 2011


So that was the security word for today...

Ironic since I had a needle stuck in me today and I have such a distaste for drugs... my health issues (so many aches and pains, asthma, arthritis, etc.) have caused me to become quite the expensive person to insure and medicate... But, I did get my first cortisone shot today. I drove all the way home from Wayne with a numb and tingly right hand. Good thing I drive automatic. Made sure I got that Morrissey cd in before I lost all sensation! So is looks like it is a milder, occasional carpal tunnel syndrome that will not turn up on neurological tests unless it is done right after I do activity... I went right to gardening when I got home. But I have to say, the arm feels funny from the elbow on down and I also have to wear a brace when I sleep... grrr.....

Getting excited for my return to the airwaves. I have a two hour slot on WMSC on Friday night from 7 -9. I can't believe the station gave me such a super spot. Now I just have to finalize the music. I was going to play vinyl, but I never got around to buying a needle... Hopefully next year.

The Foundations class is making album covers. Yes, 12" ones. The real music medium. I was so happy with how excited they were when I brought some of my favourite covers from home. They were so inspired.

Need to stop typing now... right fingers are slowing down...

Sunday, May 1, 2011

The Weekend...

So I volunteered for our town wide clean up yesterday. This was the best one so far because other town groups were involved, not just Main Street. I did the alleys between the buildings. I wasn't in the mood for chit chat and wanted to work solo. Breathed in tons of dust and allergies were a b*tch the rest of the day. But I felt so good, especially because I was able to squeeze into this tiny spot and clean that out too. Then our leader told me to go to this empty property on Main Street and pick out the garbage there. It is an immensely sloped property and I worked the bottom while someone worked the top. I found so real goodies: lots of glass (vintage and new), a large bone, a vintage pull tab can of soda, a handy scale for weighing fish (our river is stocked with trout), a drug baggie, a pill blister square, and... an open switchblade. I am assuming the last one was tossed down from Main Street after an "event." Some have questioned why I do this kind of volunteering while I do not take part in cancer walks and such. The fact of the matter is, when someone goes around asking for money for this walk or that run, it seems a bit like "look at what I am doing!" And the majority of those cancer organizations do not allocate the money raised in a way that I feel is fair and as beneficial as is could be. So I do this... I donate money privately with no fanfare to those organizations with the best allocation of money and that's that...

Then I went to the parents' house to help dad trim two juniper trees. He dropped a huge branch on me, I learned I can't operate a reciprocating saw, I have scratches all over me including my face, and I am massively allergic to juniper and got so many hives, but is was so much fun. I will finish the job later in the week after work one day.

So, my body is extremely sore today and my sister need me to do some outside work at her house. But some good news. A local gallery I have been trying to make contact with for two years regarding a teacher/student show is finally looking to be a possibility. He is holding his first teacher student show and still has space for teaching artists, and may have space for some student work. Already know who to include....

And my order from Freestyle came in. So I am going to test out the EcoPro film developer this week. I also ordered an E-6 developing kit. I read that some had success processing Kodachrome with that. Since we have a few rolls at PV and my sister gave me a few rolls, I will try processing my rolls and see what happens.

And finally, our tech guy let us know last week that students can remotely access Photoshop and the version is either CS5 or CS4. So I think that now means that I can teach RAW to the Photo III students. I have made excuses for not teaching it because I feel real bad when kids b*tch about the school tech guy when things are not his fault at all. But now that this is in place, I think I can finally do it. Woo hoo!!!! Better late than never....

Thursday, April 28, 2011


So the PV budget failed. I am not in line to lose my job, but two people I really like could lose theirs. And they are phenomenal teachers in departments that have others who are not as good.

The disrespect kept on coming today and I am tired of it. Another student even commented on how I am treated. Guess I am not enough of a buddy. But I am apparently a chump...

And one of the last members of my father's family died. She was a developmentally disabled aunt and I can't even go to the funeral tomorrow. This is why I want to go to Hungary so badly... try to find someone, anyone who may be left on his side. Dad was diagnosed with cancer two years ago, it was removed and he has done nothing to improve his health. I know he could be next and there are so many unidentified pictures and people to find...

And no student knows that things like this are going on and they choose to let themselves get angry with you because you have the nerve to try to teach them or expect their independent work to be 100% when we should just be letting them coast because they are seniors. Or I am supposed to be a best friend and class is supposed to be a party. I want to be a mentor, not a buddy... but I just want a break...

I may try to find the cemetery in the time I have between the end of the school day and the Congressional show...

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Lacking something...

So besides this increase in disrespect towards me I am also noticing a general lack of interest or enthusiasm in some formerly enthusiastic students. I know that some are suffering from that senioritis, but I know that is not the case with some others.

In a related issue - though it may not seem related at all - I have been thinking a bit about the work situation at PV. When I started in 2002, I thought the place was great. The following year, I realized the place I thought was a cooperative community was most certainly not. I realized in just a couple of short years that the happiest times were in the classroom, not with co-workers. I could dismiss a rude student's behaviour as not personal. But how do I respond to that and other things when it comes from a colleague?

I have been thinking of this lately because a former student I keep in touch with on Facebook replied to a post I made about a women's rights bookstore in the LES. I had her as a junior but not as a senior. She tried to come to the darkroom once as a senior but never again. I also noticed a change in her behaviour towards me. Not as eager to talk to me or work in the classroom in free time. This may seem like nothing, but I think she would have benefitted from some of the programs at that store and I make an effort to let students know about issue things that may help or interest them. But I never got the chance her senior year when she finally had the means to get there on her own...

Why? I wondered. Maybe she was too busy her senior year... then another former student let me know that there are other things that prevent PV art students from going to former art teachers while still at the school....

And I think the same types of things have been going on there for awhile and still are. And to be honest with you, I am tired of the fighting for students' attention. This is not what teaching is about and I give too much of myself to this place. Hubby and I have already decided that if our governor runs and gets elected president, that will not bode well for us as public workers. We will put the house up for sale and move. That means leaving PV. But should I do it sooner? Should I just give up on that place that values those who play games over those who truly care about the students? They are not pawns and I feel so bad that I could not let this girl know about these things that could have made her feel better about herself; particularly because she had little support at home.

I just think there's more to teaching than playing games with the students and I think I need to do something about this, before I feel bad about another missed opportunity with any other students... of course, in this department, I am the only one who opens her mouth, but not the only one with this opinion... sigh...

Friday, April 22, 2011


So I let a lot of bills out of my hands today. I actually treated myself and didn't just go shopping, but also went buying! I spent an insane amount of money - $150 - on a pair of shoes, found a Love & Rockets book at Houseworks bookstore (love the Hernandez bros), and picked up a ton of zines and "issue" magazines at Bluestockings. I was going to bring a film camera and just shoot on the sly, but I wanted to just walk and look...

Speaking of looking, there was a Fiat showroom on Wooster. There were three 500's parked on the street outside and two new ones and one vintage inside. They offered to let us take a test drive but in Soho? No way! But they were nice to sit in. But nicer to sit in a drive in Europe! I remember a billboard in France advertising it for 10,000 Euros! So cheap! Probably a lot higher here with shipping and such...

And last bit of news, the shipment of backpacks, luggage tags and phone cards came from EF! Such a big box!!! It is in my trunk and anxious to be brought to PV. So, another trip meeting soon... and I took a 4-cd French language set out of the library. Woo hooo!!!!!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Cut off from the world...

So apparently the way most people react to a life without a cell phone is the way I react to a life without the internet. I have been without since at least last Thursday and finally got it up and running this morning. My blood was boiling, I wanted to toss the CPU out the window, I cursed Dell and Verizon and nearly bowed down to the altar of Mac until I couldn't get that one up either... I was mooching off other people's internet and was nearly desperate enough to use the town library - not to knock that if you do it but our library is full of kids who think the place is a track & field competition. So with a new - extra - router courtesy of Verizon, I am thinking of hooking the iMac up to the internet. So, we are a three car household and may be a two internet capable computer house.

Part of the reason for the antsyness is that I am way behind on submissions. And all of them are via online. So now I am set. But then I looked at some scans of negatives and thought, "eh, that needs to be darkroom produced, not scanned." So hopefully hubby will be up for babysitting Millie tonight while I hunker down in the basement to print. Not that any students are reading this, but I would like to think that the fact that I do work over the break would be inspiration enough to get their creative juices flowing... please? At least one student has been posting stuff regularly. And gosh... I sure like what you post, ZN.

Another reason for the antsyness - I cannot garden in this weather! It's cold and rainy! And trying to garden on Sunday was an exercise in futility. You try moving leaves with gale force winds coming up the hill!

And one last thing... I forgot on that list in the previous post that AIB in Boston just opened up their summer program registration... you know what to do.... plan your summer now kids!

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Wasted time...

Lingered around work for an hour b/c of a delayed hand appointment to find out it was a waste b/c my doctor did not send my EMG report yet again. Of course, a perfect ending to a perfect week. I seem to be surrounded by people who do not want to do their work but act like they are giving 110%. So my reschedule had to be for next Friday - when I was supposed to go see Lucy at her swim lesson.

So I have decided to spend the rest of my vacation for myself. I have one more thing to do and then the week is mine. I have given enough of myself to this job for 9+ years to realize it has been a waste. I will work on my own art, my own submissions and even saunter on into the city and shop and gallery hop alone - no one to bother me...

Last bit for the kids... the following schools have summer program deadlines coming up:

School of Visual Arts - open on a first come, first served basis; housing all full
RISD - first come, first served
Corcoran - open; excellent Photojournalism and Fine Art Photo programs
Pratt - Extended until April 30!
University of the Arts - Extended until May ! with limited space; Michelle had full scholarship last year!
Tyler School of Art - three different sessions
Massachusetts College of Art and Design - Summer Intensives
MICA - summer pre-college deadline is April 21
The School of the Art Institute of Chicago - open registration began in March
Kansas City Art Institute - deadline April 22
Academy of Art University - open registration

Just in case anyone was interested...

Friday, April 15, 2011


So this week just gets better and better! After much crawling around the computer and making Millie get up off my lap and a long phone call with Verizon and just sheer aggravation, it appears my modem is not working. No internet at home. Grrrr.... So I cannot comment on student blogs, cannot keep up the PV Budget site, can't look up all my political stuff, can't send in art to galleries, and just major problems all around. Verizon says the new modem should arrive on Monday. Let's hope so.

Today I have an appointment with the hand surgeon. We try a cortizone shot. This better work. Gardened some yesterday with no pain. But then I forgot to vote on the PVEA elections and - even worse - I completely forgot jury duty on Wednesday. Luckily the Morris County lady took complete pity on me. She saw I was a teacher and I get the feeling we do this quite a bit. She said they reserve summer jury days for teachers. So, I have a July date. Phew! I thought I was would be arrested for contempt of court. I felt faint when I saw the notice. Hubby laughed at me...

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Hella Halo

Yesterday went better... no blood in period 3 and no broken glass in period 7. Period 3 did so well printing and we did Halo-Chrome in Photo II & II. It was so easy and fabulous! I did not expect that at all. As an alternative process, I expected it to be complicated what with all the mixing solutions and such. It was so much fun! Nearly burn out the psillia in my nose and breathing was weird and different for the rest of the day...

Wednesday, April 13, 2011


After the utter disappointment of yesterday, I needed to treat myself. I was so in need of something I even thought of going to the mall - horrors! - but hubby's doc appointment squashed that. So I shopped online. Dreamed of buying shoes in London while perusing my favourite store's website. Then I went to Richter's and bought seeds for veggies and herbs. Not as thrilling as buying shoes, but it will do...

If this week continues with the never ending student disappointments, I just may have to drop some cash at some shoe stores in Soho.... and yes, for a tightwad like me to day this, it is that bad.

Czeps says I am too nice and let myself get taken advantage of. Too true....

Monday, April 11, 2011


The last security word reminds me of band names from the 80's - band of a certain genre at least... This weather is getting me in the mood for breaking out the music but with the rain to come, that will be put off...

Rushed home - at least as rushed as you can be when you do the speed limit - to get in the garden. Moved more leaves off plants in the front and cut down the branches from last year's hibiscus. Now I will finalize the vegetables and herb seeds to order.

Excited to get projects done next week. We are not going away and I plan to: garden, do art, make art submissions, finish fixing the foundation under the first floor bathroom, go with Lucy to her swim class in Cedar Knolls, read, nap with Millie. That seems like a good enough list...

Now to get ready for a new Antiques Road Show. They are in Billings, Montana tonight! And last night was new "Upstairs, Downstairs" on Masterpiece... shaping up to be a good week PBS-wise!

Sunday, April 10, 2011


So tell me how I get a neck pain by biking Central Park? Ugh... But, the muscles held up. I do need a squishier seat. My tush is bruised. I also did not need a single puff of my inhaler. The schisandra berry powder seems to be helping my asthma. We ate at a cart in the park and then went for tapas on 95th Street. And... best of all... I rode in the streets of Manhattan and did not fall, did not get door-checked and made it through alive. I have to be blunt here but I felt like a real bad-*ss. I did wear a helmet though...

Did some Main Street work this morning. Walking down the hill at 9 am I realize I am only the second one there. Sigh.... So I was the first to go home... But we did a nice job on the four buildings we worked on. The chemicals I used to polish the brass details probably took some years off my life, but oh well...

I am nearly done with The Jungle. The book is absolutely riveting. The only reason I put it down is to breath or eat. I can't believe it is not required reading in all schools...

Saturday, April 9, 2011

The Jungle...

So, another ode to the wonders of the inter-library loan: I am reading the full, uncensored, one-third longer version of Upton Sinclair's The Jungle... I think everyone should read it in school... particularly those who do not understand why those in poverty tend towards criminal activity. I also fear that the situation in the book - not fiction - is the end goal of some people.... scary. Read it while perusing a copy of Jacob Riis' How the Other Half Lives. I dare you...

I have, unfortunately, not kept up on the art. Been doing a lot of union stuff and the grades were due - of course students procrastinate - and I have my town work and Millie was sick and I just really need to get back to the art. The pile of calls for entry sit there and the due dates pass and I feel like I have done nothing. I am working on a clean up tomorrow on Main Street at 9.00 am. I am seriously thinking if dropping out of the one organization because of numerous reasons. I want to do more stealth stuff, not be tied to an organization where the exec. takes a salary and most of the credit. Hubby and I are considering guerilla gardening. Well, not considering it, but considering the projects! Shhhhh......

At the last HPC meeting someone mentioned the "great" job the M-K House tenant is doing with mending the fence and the landscaping and I nearly exploded. I did the land clearing and landscaping! There is only one person who has thanked me, the rest don't even acknowledge the weeks of work I did over the summer and fall. Alas, I should be used to all of this. The last 7 years of work at PV has been nothing but one person taking credit for the work of others.... I just have trouble lying down and playing dead.

At least today I will go bike riding in Central Park with friends, have a super meal out, and perhaps see Lucy's first tooth! It looks like a big one!!! Pictures sure to follow......

Monday, April 4, 2011

ER again...

So last weekend I go to the ER and this past weekend it was Millie's turn... I will spare you all the details, but let's just say it was like she had the stomach virus I had after the Paris trip... Funny how a mommy knows something is wrong. I awoke at 3 am on Sunday morning and checked on the babycakes and she wasn't right; then by 4.30 stuff - you know, stomach stuff - was happening and I frantically called one number in the phone book and they gave me the number for the place in Fairfield that Shue and other people have recommended.

So we brought her to the kitty ER and they x-ray her and give her blood work and she probably just had a bug. But we don't let her out and we don't wear shoes in the house to track in stuff, so I have no idea how she got sick. I thought she may have eaten a mouse that was sick but no mouse in her x-ray. But gosh, even her x-rays are cute!

So she is much better now. We have her on a bland wet food from the hospital and she's peeing like normal. But no bm yet. But the most important part - no puking. I really hated seeing her sick... I never want to see that again. At least I had my mother check on her during the day so I didn't have to miss a day of work.

But I am getting very stressed at work. I am at my limit with the lack of initiative and drive. At this point in the year, I do not think I should be giving anyone all the answers and solutions. At this point the students should be making independent decisions and I am just not getting that. I am trying to not tell them literally what to do, but they really need to be led by the hand. But how am I helping if I do that for them? Who will do that for them in college and beyond? No one? Just very frustrated and vented to the hubby over dinner out tonight...

But a field trip tomorrow will hopefully pick up the spirits. Bringing the Diana mini and maybe the fisheye and Holga.


Sunday, March 27, 2011


So I cannot shovel for the rest of the season... Hubby's orders. I did something to my neck when shoveling Thursday. Just a wee bit sore. Then on Friday, sharp pain. Then by Saturday night, unbearable. Pain up the neck and down to the shoulder. St. Clare's ER is surprisingly quiet on a late Saturday night! But apparently I have a sprain/strain with horrible muscle spasms. I was supposed to shoot buildings on Main Street with an HPC partner in crime on Friday. Canceled b/c it was just too darn cold. Then I have to cancel on him today b/c the pain was unbearable. With the painkillers I had to get, it is ok, but I am extremely loopy. And now to the segue on how this connects to Photography...

So even if I could have managed walking up and down the street, because the shutter release is on the right, I could not have shot all those pictures with a right arm throbbing with pain. So... this southpaw is wondering why there are not cameras made for lefty's. Hmmm... I think there is certainly a market for that...

I also determined that since I cannot drive or go anywhere today, I might at well catch up on submissions. Finished two, and will try to do two more before signing off...

Monday, March 21, 2011


So aggravation ran rampant today. Is it the full moon? The snow? The .... senioritis/junioritis/sophomoritis/freshmanitis? Anyhoo... could not wait to get home... but sat in doc's office for an hour. He thinks it is carpal tunnel... oral cortisone didn't do a thing... the shot will be in April. Ugh...
Then I get home and hubby's car(s) are there. He could not even get out of town this morning to get to work and couldn't get the car back up the hill and had to leave it and get it later when all the roads were clear or the snow melted! Whoa!

But then I read the three posts so far this week and the responses made me happy... And I have Millie on my lap!

Sunday, March 20, 2011

A blog for someone...

So I have a secret blog with my name not attached - teachers do need to keep their privacy - and one of the blogs I follow on that one is an indie fashion magazine form Canada. I found a link to a blog that I think ZN from Photo II would like. It is called "fieldguided" and some of the soft toned pictures struck me as something she might like...

Saturday, March 19, 2011


I finished the biography of Judy Chicago last night. I was always ambivalent about her work until I saw an extremely good exhibit on her at the National Museum of Women in the Arts. Seeing her work in person, I actually got it... Now after reading all about her and the cr*p she has dealt with as a woman artist and educator, I feel like more people need to know about her, not just her work. She is a female who speaks her mind, wants to be respected and treated fairly, does not like it when sexist or competitive people try to push her aside and speaks up often and loudly when she needs to. Bravo! Anybody wonder why I like her? Oh, and she's short... and some of us know how much a short, sassy, vocal woman with strong opinions and beliefs is accepted...

Raced to Rockaway to meet the accountant to give her the taxes... then raced home to get work done. Worked in the garden until dark after dinner. And lo and behold... the mosquitoes know I am out and about. But the bulbs are coming up so nicely. I am eager to plant more, but to be honest, if our governor runs for president and wins, there will be a 3 bedroom/ 2 bath house in Morris County for sale right away. And that means lots of perennials and bulbs to dig up and transport. Not the time to plant more...

I have been keeping up on the union and education issues and just want to know - yes, I keep asking this question - what ever happened to respect? If teachers can withhold opinions and let students speak their minds and still respect them - particularly if I vehemently disagree - then why can others?

Hoping to go and see some friends tonight... need to get rid of this bleakness...

Wednesday, March 16, 2011


My security code for one student's blog response was "skybar" but I have never had a drink on a plane that was alcoholic. Go figure.

Drove home with music on, jacket on the seat - not me - and the window open. Ran to the backyard to peek at the bursting bulbs, started to unearth some stuff. Ready to get the gloves on and work in the garden! By the time I feed Millie, clouds... and my hands were itching... grrrr.... but tomorrow is to be sunny and warm!

The book ideas from the Photo I students are very interesting. I think I will enjoy the results this year! I also realized I do need to make time to do more art. I started three mini-books this weekend. But they are just... eh... stuff to try to sell. I need to get back to my autobiographical stuff. I also started a photo project with fur and skin... need to move on that one.

Oh yeah... and this...

Wish I could squeeze in a trip there...

Sunday, March 13, 2011


So I was going to take a personal day tomorrow but the flooding is so bad that there is no school... Much rather have to use the personal day...

Liking the work on the indie projects so far... of course, the usual suspects are not doing a thing... grrr... but did get some nice stuff from the one with the monitor monitoring him! Oh, those shots are nice...

My pictures from Paris came in... all 398 of them! And not a sunny sky to be seen .... cannot wait for June... three or four cameras, at least...

And I finally got out and socialized... I have been spending so much on work and town stuff and it was very nice to see some old friends... I must get out more... perhaps when the weather is nicer.

And speaking of nice weather... with Spring coming you know what that means... gardening!!! I saw my Alderman and his wife at a town meeting Wednesday. She asked when I will be starting back at the M-K house! Oh dear! I cannot wait to get back there to weed and prune! I think I was salivating.... seriously... And I also have pulled out my seed catalogues. Since it is pledge time and nothing is on TV, I will be working on my list of what to order for the gardens: more herbs, some new perennials and replacing veggie seeds I have used up... Yippee!!!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

last place...

Yeah, that's the feeling right now...

but I am really referring to the posts from this past week. And they were really good and insightful. I loved reading them. I didn't really find any of them to be cliche. My last place would be Hungary. After my grandmother died, I had to go to the house to help my parents clean it up and prepare it for sale. I was the only one helping and I went about once or twice a week - weekends and maybe a day or two after work. I found so many things - bibles, cards, funeral cards, clothes, 78's, magazines, mementos, legal forms, and pictures. I have been working since then to piece my father's family history back together. That includes nagging him to id people in photos (he hates it and so does mother), figuring out what languages were in the bibles and written on the photos - Hungarian - and then trying to translate a language I do not speak. I have also looked up the towns on the forms and collected images (from the internet) of where the family lived. This is one of the things I do in my spare time. I even found out what my real last name should be - it was treated by dad as a big family secret lost to time. So eventually I will have enough information to go to Hungary and perhaps find some relatives - if any are still alive. The American faction is nearly gone... I should call this the Matta-Beri project... ha...

Thursday, February 24, 2011

What the heck is going on?!?

What?!? Does no one blog anymore? I even manage to do it when I am home sick! Where's the passion and the drive to keep putting our opinions out there? Grrrr.......

On a lighter note... Pingry Invitational reception tomorrow night! Always a fabulous time...

Tuesday, February 22, 2011


I was actually surprised by how much I loved this city! Unfortunately, I can't write much right now... my hands are shakey and the fingers sooo stiff. At approximately 7.30 last night, the was a rumble in the stomach. At 11.38, it all erupted. I have not vomited since 1986/1987. I feel I handled myself fairly well considering the violence of the event. Hubby and Millie had not a clue that I was sick... they slept right on through the whole ordeal. Trying to work today. I knew I could not drive - dad drove me - but I will try to make it through the day... prospects are not looking good...

Paris stories and pictures to come at a later date - like when I know I will not throw up on the keyboard...

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Getting ready

The suitcase is out and partially packed... the toiletries are taken care of... the cameras are chosen...Euros are ordered... Millie will soon figure out that mommy is going away... I will get a guilt trip, no doubt.

I worked on two submissions this weekend. I have not gotten into any shows lately but received a hand-written note from one that they liked my work and look forward to seeing more of it. I was also wait-listed for a show that happened to be judged by a curator from the Guggenheim. So that makes me feel a bit better. Also working on a new digital project and more altered photos. Liking the results of those.

Major socializing this weekend - well, for me at least. Dinner with the parents and sister and Lucy last night. Dinner with friends tonight. May not sound like much, but it is very hard to get out. I have been very tired and bothered. The hand hurts and tingles nearly nonstop. And the more I talk to my father and research, the more I think the "some arthritis" that was seen in the MRI may be a sign of something bigger.... And the wrist splint does nada to relieve the pain.

I think I will go and finish the laundry and then wallow in my misery...

Friday, February 11, 2011


Last night was the reception for the Scholastic Art & Writing Awards at the Montclair Art Museum. Finally met THE Sassy Grandma! I could definitely tell I was in the presence of coolness and sass... just what I like in a grandma. My favourite memory of my grandma was the last time hubby and I visited her and we got to talking politics. She stomped her cane on the ground she was so angry about a certain politician! Now that's sass! I hope I end up still being that independent and individualistic at that age...

I was soooo impressed by the drawings and most of the paintings that received Gold Key awards. The photos - well, digital is clearly the way to go. The only other thing that seems to impress them in alternative processes. I wonder if the judges can tell whilst judging that there is a difference in analog and digital? Hmmmm....

It was a packed house, as usual and I offered up my seat to students/families twice and thus ended up waaaay in the back (with someone with perpetual gas near me! ugh) but at least I stayed the whole time, not like those who left... Like a person who leaves mass right after Communion.... tsk tsk...

Last night I ordered the euros for the trip next week.... sooo excited...

Thursday, February 3, 2011


Going out to dinner with a bunch of former or soon to be former volunteers from our town group. This should be fun. Hoping we end up starting some guerrilla town improvement group that does not focus on soliciting donations solely for supplementing the Executive Director's salary...

Really angry with the lack of ambition and drive with some Photo II and III kids and let them have it today. I saw the usual swift ones smiling knowingly... but what will it take to get the others to be self-sufficient and adhere to deadlines and come up with stellar ideas that blow me away? Others in the class are doing it so it is not me, at least not completely. I do have to try to find another angle...

Hung the TAJ show today with Demsey... I think the photos are super! Our kids better get awards!

But oh how I wish the black matte board didn't disappear then - whoa - re-appear. Sticky fingers, drama, and enough to just make you laugh at the immaturity of it all...

No place is like PV, I'll tell you that...

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

All I hear are icicles falling from the gutters... I have wanted to knock them off so badly but that will ruin the gutters...

Second round of nerve testing yesterday... nothing seems to come up with the muscle testing... but the pain is still there and increasing... wondering if it is just arthritis increasing very quickly. That would truly stink.

We have two shows we are getting ready for: Pingry and Teen Art Jam. Czeps saw some of the work I am putting in and just flipped for them... hopefully the judges will too. That would really make the students feel good.

Reading a biography of Judy Chicago right now. Hubby gave it to me for Christmas. Was never super into her until I saw a retrospective of her work at the NMWA in DC years ago. I felt that her work meant something much more when viewed in person. So this book delves into her family history and is just so fascinating. One thing that struck me was the fact that Chicago is talked about as a woman who may seem abrasive but is just speaking her mind. Too bad my co-workers can't understand this type of woman... sigh...