Saturday, September 26, 2009

Keeping hyperventilating...

So I have a dream in which I am somewhere - I don't know this place - with people - whom I do not know - going over all the things I have to do - which aren't the things on my to-do list - at the same time that I am trying to do some of those things. And I start freaking out and eventually hyperventilate. EXACTLY what nearly happens every school year thanks to the yearbook. I manage to keep my cool most of the time - mix more chemicals, meet the deadlines, answer all the e-mails, check the voice mail, faster fasterfaster...... But I guess it really does get to me if I dream about it. I just wish friends understood why I have zero energy to do anything when I get home. If I sit down, I am done for the day.

Then I also have so many things to do for town. Of course, I get cellulitis in my ring finger on my left hand planting the mums and no one else shows up to help Marta with planting but Dave. Two and a half hours in the ER and my thoughts aren't "I hope this is OK" but "I could be getting so many things done right now." Hmmm...

But I will remain to keep cool...I do hope my Halloween costume drives the point home at PV. I could also just not worry about getting things done perfectly but that's not like the straight-A student I was and it's a hard habit to break. I feel my chest starting to tighten as I write this. Yikes! Maybe there will be a good rag to get at Borders later...and a snickerdoodle...

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Core group...again

I volunteer on the Design Committee of my local Main Street organization. Yesterday was the first day of replacing the summer planting in urns with mums. The woman who takes care of the urns does so much. An e-mail went out to all volunteers regarding the dates and times to help. As I walk down to Main Street with my neon green volunteer t-shirt, gardening bag & tools, and a spring in my step, I am in denial. I have a vision of a group of us doing this work.

I get to the office...and its just me and Marta....Again...

Not that I mind doing this. I don't have to. I choose to volunteer. But why is it the same people all the time? And why is it always the four people who work full time and have bills to pay and other things going on in their lives? Where are all the retirees in this town who say they are volunteers but never show up if the work takes a little effort? Grrrr...

And you may wonder why write about this for a school blog...

Well...the same thing happens with the yearbook. The seniors get the book for "free." What a joke. If those in charge of decisions had to endure the smirks from the publishers and photographers when I tell them how PV pays for this book, they may be shamed into doing it the right way. So, just like in my town, a few people make the effort to raise the money to pay for the book and 322 students reap the rewards. I bust my butt getting things done by deadlines, making sure everything looks good and deal with students and parents who don't know the meaning of "due by" and I feel like I am beating my head against the wall here. This book causes me countless sleepless nights and lost time with family and friends because of the time I put into it at home. Sure I get a stipend, but considering the one coaches et for a part of the school year and I do this all year...Ugh!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Thoughts unrecovered

Well, I can't recall what I was going to write about but this coldness is driving us batty at Casa Vasa. The only one not sneezing or having trouble breathing is Millie. Allergies and asthma and the wild weather in the northeast do not mix well. I should have moved southwest when I was less tied down, but oh well. I just keep pumping my lungs with the puffer...

It always amazes me that so many parents come to the photo class for Back to School night. And they are so nice. I love how we are getting the really cool kids in the art program. It not classes full of the "I just want an easy A" people.

Then I get a rude awakening about where I teach like when I read the latest on Millie Misadventure. I can't stand how many of the young people at PV are so concerned with looks. It wasn't like that in the other districts I taught in. And I feel like it extends to non-students. I used to have my hair REAL short. It was liberating in many ways that I need not get into. The only people that seemed to be bothered by it were the people at PV. Co-workers made comments about me being butch and students made comments about whether I was a boy or girl. So I decided to do a little experiment. I am growing it out. I can't tell you the out-of-line comments I have gotten from co-workers. Note: It is not ok for you to touch my hair and comment about my "flowing locks!"

So, every day I come to PV and spend my periods with cool kids and think everything is improving in this world...but it's not. I have to fight to get the yearbook polls to not have a category alluding to beauty. And I look at the kids who others label as the weirdos - same as when I was in school - and they are so diverse, interesting, multi-dimensional and just all around cool and I think they are beautiful. And these are the ones who are being made fun of. After 20 years, NOTHING CHANGES! But how do I change this? I try to be more and more myself at work every year, so they know teachers come in all sorts of types, but I don't think it is working enough. I feel like I can count on one hand the number of people at work who are truly different and ok with the students who are. And I don't count those who do it to be cool teachers. The kids aren't stupid...they know what we think of them...and they know when you think they are "freaks." Too many teachers hear comments about race, sexuality and looks in the halls and classrooms and say nothing. This all just gets me really aggravated. And then to read what Jimmy Carter said this week, and the world makes me sad...

Friday, September 18, 2009

Uh...what was I thinking? I had all these thoughts in my mind about what I wanted to write about the school year so far, things that have come up, etc., etc.. Then hubby has a sneezing fit, blowing his nose like crazy and yelping like some crazed bird/dog hybrid and all my thoughts went whoosh out of my head. Grrrr...hopefully dreamtime will bring them back...Considering how much I think, I know they'll come back. I'll do it while Mr. Sneezy is out...

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Success...I hope

This is for all you people out there that thinks getting involved doesn't work -

We have been having issues in my town, to say the least. I love the place, but some things are being allowed to slide. When a policeman gets a call that three men are drinking and urinating on a building, they should be brought in. But that didn't happen by my sister's house last week. Instead, my brother-in-law calls it in and the police just tell the men to move along. So, the three men leave their empty 12-pack in a driveway - yes, you do the math - and DRIVE AWAY!!!

So I go to my town hall meeting tonight, low expectations and all. The other times I have gone to speak, I get no results. Not tonight. They listened to what I said; the alderman who deals with the police promised to look into it; all present were horrified by what I told them. It was just an overall good meeting. Any resident who spoke about problems received a good response. I really left there feeling like things can actually turn around here. I haven't felt that way for a while now.

So to get to my point...

A number of my students are of or near voting age. Many will not vote. Many complain and complain about supposed injustices, but when it comes to getting involved in the best way to solve things, they do nothing. Sometimes I feel that way too but I don't let that keep me from trying. I know the issues I brought up tonight at my town hall wouldn't even be looked into if I didn't speak up. I didn't complain about silly, insignificant things no one has control over - hint: wearing id's (is it really so terrible?). I spoke about real issues that affect all of us. And it looks like I just may get results! Hooray. I so dislike people who complain but don't try to change things for the better.

Now if only I could get all the eligible voters in this country to be more involved and vote, then I would be one happy camper.

First Day!!!

London notes will have to wait...first day with students! As usual, Photo I - quiet...Photo II - chatty. I am excited for this year. I hope to hit my stride with the Photo II with some new ideas for projects. Also hoping to repeat our phenomenal record of exhibits and awards!

Millie on the lap and a town hall meeting tonight...always involved...sometimes too much...wish I could get by on less sleep...

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Back to work...ouch

Two full days...two monster headaches. Tell me why when I spend 2-3 hours each day on the computer at home immobilized by a Millie on my lap I do not get a headache. I come to work and get two massive ones in a row! Ugh. Tylenol, naps, nothing helped. All I had was throbbing behind my eyes like someone was banging his way out of my sockets and sparkly colours flashing all over the place. I could not even face going on Facebook yesterday once I arrived home! Now that's bad! And I have many shows to submit my work for consideration. Feeling under the gun here...but at least I am completely ready for the students. I like to get all that stuff ready in June...

Developed three rolls of film at home Monday. Two from London, one from California. They look good. Made the contact prints this morning for all the rolls I developed at home over the summer. I am printing so much my current box of way expired Ilford paper from the 1990s is almost done! I will get through that huge pile of paper at home after all!

Tomorrow night I have an opening in Long Island City at APW Gallery. Hooray! Six pieces from a group I did in 2006 called "13 Hang Ups" and have received positive feedback in the last show they were in. Fingers crossed for meeting people. Just no more headaches please...

London update coming later...

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

London Day 4 - 15 August

Beautiful sunny day again... Breakfast at EAT. I just love the quick breakfast places here. We had a warm breakfast muffin. Mmmm...

Today we go to the Victoria & Albert Museum. It is in a neighbourhood that is quite a distance. Dave has the bright idea to walk it for two reasons: 1. there are so many tourists, the tube will be packed and 2. we get to see more by walking. I agree. I will pay for this in pain later...

We walked Picadilly, through the edge of Green Park, and just happen upon Buckingham Palace at the time of the changing of the guard! What luck. What crowds! Jeez...I had to hold the camera above my head to get any pictures. We didn't stick around for the whole thing.

Walk along the palace property to the Wellington Arch, past Harrod's and a large Catholic Church - the Brompton Oratory. Lots of pictures to take. A very different type of neighbourhood from where we are staying - Bloomsbury. More wealthy.

Get to the V&A. It is HUGE!!! and great! Looked at Fashion, Jewellery, Photography, and the castings gallery. I just can't convey how packed this place is and how large it is. Nothing here in the US compares. The Medieval galleries are being refurbished to be opened at the end of the year. Note to return for that... Relaxed in the courtyard. It is so nice and sunny, kids in the wading pool and people relaxing and noshing on the grass...Perfect.

Go to Harrod's to get Millie's gift. I have NEVER seen so many high priced vehicles in one day - Bentley after Bentley, Lotus, Rolls Royce, you name it. The Londoners in this area are doing very well. Harrod's is a mixed bag. the elevator and the escalator areas are stunning. The show floors, eh. (we find out later that we missed the big deal - the food hall. Duh.) The pet boutique is high priced but Dave finds an affordable dinosaur made in the UK for Millie. He is underwhelmed, but rescinds that once Millie gets her gift and loves it. (quote before: "It's just the same old stuff". quote after: "Harrod's is great")

Wander back "home" through chi-chi areas and bottom right corner of Hyde Park. Lots of people out in the parks and lots of flowers to look at.

Get back to Russell Square. I need to sit. Near the exit, people are gathered and filming something very interesting...a....squirrel! WHAT?!?!?! It's just a squirrel! What the heck? Oh well, they are probably Italian tourists.

Dinner- fish & chips at The Swan. Mmmmm...

We walk off dinner in the area above our neighbourhood...

Happen upon a St. Andrew's gardens - WEIRD... There are many headstones propped up in a line against a bordering apartments building. More headstones in piles behind a fencing. The tombs in this park are in horrendous shape. But the gardens are meticulous. Never saw anything like it. And at the far end are children playing football. Eerie.

back at the hotel there is a wedding party. We are too pooped to crash it. My whole lower body is in pain from all the walking. I do not dare calculate the mileage walked. My lower back and down literally throbs with pain. I watch my leg vibrate from the pain. I don't know how I fall asleep, but eventually I do...