Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Thought I was up to date with submissions... then found a pile of them. And missed one. Oops! One of the first places I had a show is having an auction to raise money to make up for lost state funding. I plan to send something - perhaps one of the books I had in the show there... I also found out that the Lupus Foundation will take magazines as donations. That made me and the hubby super happy. I have so many old ones that no one on Freecycle - except for Diane Kamikaze! - would take and I cannot be bothered with the time and money to try to sell them on e-bay. That means there will be so much more floor space in the attic and more space to set up for photo shoots! Woo hoo!

Ecstatic to have the day off... particularly after yesterday's periods 7 and 8. Period 7 does not quite get the idea of working independently. That means the teacher does not hold your hand; you are given the assignment and do it yourself and budget your time yourself. A few get it... but not many. And if I could capture this senioritis devil, kill him and bury him once and for all I would so that no other student photographer with potential ever falls under his spell again!

Period 8... well you know it's bad when Demsey can't even stay in the room. I flipped out on them yesterday. They were screaming like banshees in the middle room. I thought someone was hurt or passed out. No... it was a centipede. And then the usual three or four suspects were not working... That's it with trying... now they get written up or sent to you-know-who. I am done...

So I had a treat last night to calm myself... mom made her special rice pudding.... oh yeah! Now off to make some lavender and mullein tea...

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