Thursday, January 27, 2011

Millie Time!!!

So we finally get a snow that falls at the right time. Except I was out there shoveling and only found out the day was canceled once I was finished... sigh... At least I brought exams home. Now I have Foundations and the digital PII ones left to grade. And a heck of a lot of matting to do for Pingry!

I have noticed a great deal of people on Facebook today and so I assume the students are too and that's why no one blogs... Except for a few... Photo II just isn't as blog crazy as last year's group... sniffle...

I am running out of places to put the snow. I may have to shovel a path through the yard and wheel-barrow it out to there... And the icicles hanging from the house are absolutely dangerous looking. Kept my hood on in certain areas because my luck would have one fall on my head!

Had nap time with Millie and she is still there - probably waiting for me to return...

I began a photo project that's been swimming around in my head for awhile and really like the way it is turning out. I am using some things from grandma's house and using the DSLR... let's see how this goes...

Now, off to the sofa...

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