Saturday, January 8, 2011

Finally watched "The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari" last night. Better than anything I ever imagined. The acting could be seen as overdone, unless you are used to seeing silent films. The sets - even hubby was amazed! The sets alone are works of art. And the scenes were tinted in the original, much like toning a photograph. I worried that the tinting would be like the horrible 1980s colorization of movies, but not at all! I would really love to show this to the photo classes - all of them - but I wonder if it is too scary. I guess I should discuss with hubby. I highly doubt anyone at work will know it (though some might not let on ;). The sets were a German Expressionist dream! It must have been such an amazing time to live in, between the wars. That is also when Louise Brooks was in Europe making movies in France and Germany.

Also looking at books I have on things we will see in Paris. I love scouring flea markets, library sales and used book stores. I have books on Versailles and Notre Dame - bought for a song - and started looking through those...

Update on the hand - last three fingers on the right do not type as fast and the joint on my middle finger feels tight and sore. Jeez...

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