Sunday, January 9, 2011

The Dr. is coming...

So, over a cup of hot cider at Borders last night, I asked the hubby what he thought of showing "The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari" to the classes. He thinks it is a great idea. Not too scary at all and the sets should be inspiring. So there you have it... now to fit in into the school year. Especially considering I always aim to end the year with a viewing and analysis of Hitchcock's "Vertigo" and his use of colour and analysis of that... and I run out of time.

Bought a magazine on the use of herbs instead of medicine. One, I want to save money and am not convinced chemicals are the best treatment option. Two, it another thing for me to plant in the garden come springtime!

And I hope to see the chunky niece today too. Hopefully the students are doing photographic things... hint hint....

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