Sunday, January 30, 2011


So did PBS air "Made for Each Other" because of the economic issues going on today? Hubby wanted to turn it off... my fondness for Jimmy Stewart kept it on... but come on... how long did it take the wife to fire the maid?!? Reminded me of how all these people cry about finances but they have Uggs, Blackberry or some other fancy phones, new cars, etc. etc. etc...

So I have to work in the attic today and it is only 21 degrees outside. I have so much to do around the house and not enough time. There are cracks in the walls screaming to me to get the work on the support beams done... we have re-insulating to do... I keep getting hair dye spots on the bathroom walls and have to touch that up... and I have to do so much work to try to make a sale for the business... I have a pile of projects in various states of incompletion so I keep submitting the same things for shows and the rejection letters are piling up... oh, did get wait-listed for one... I want to get rid of the clutter in the attic but have to suffer the bitter cold up there... and of course I have this family research I am trying to get my dad to finish with the pictures but every time I go there I get aggravated.

I think the Paris trip in a couple of weeks will be a welcome break - though they termed it a whirlwind training!

And the hand seems to be getting worse... I just don't think doing nothing with the hand and seeing it get better is a good thing... so I keep working with it as usual... but I can't bend my middle finger completely and I keep messing up typing b/c the right fingers are so slow... grr......

Things to look forward to: "Downton Abbey" finale on PBS tonight; kids in the room tomorrow even during exams; time with Millie...

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