Wednesday, March 31, 2010


.. is fun when you tell the hubby "I'm going in the closet. Whatever you do DO NOT OPEN THE DOOR!" This is what happens when you refuse to buy yourself a changing bag! But, in preparation for the trip I need all the empty 620 spools I can get. That meant getting an exposed roll of Ektar off a spool and putting it back on the original 120 spool. And I did it! Whew! I brought the five rolls I plan to bring to London and my 5 620 spools to do here at work with one of their changing bags. I also brought my paper and film to develop to keep a certain wonderful student company in our haunted darkroom! ;)

I also plan to try to get something... anything out of all the Ortho film we have. I have tried in the past, but I think I found a better how-to. And I will follow sister's advice and do the exposure and developing with no safelight.

I also found a box of 4"x5" sheet film! All this time I thought it was a box of bulk 120 - if they exist - and figured I would crack that open when the individual rolls ran out - there are rolls that expired before the kids were born! Well, lo and behold, I open it in the changing bag and it is sheet film!!! Woo hoo! Now I don't feel so bad having to cut it from the budget. Granted, this box expired in 1981 - great year! - but what the heck. At least it's not colour film - total deterioration. And I have been having kids print on waaaay expired Kodabromide and with these budget issues, you gotta do what you gotta do. I've been working with expired stuff since I took over this program...

Now I just need more donations. A lovely from period one donated a hair dryer. I can get sheet glass from my parents' basement - that's a whole other story - and now I need:

  • varnish
  • dark pray paint
  • clear acrylic gloss medium
  • acetate - had some donated from sis but need more
  • plexiglas
  • polymer clay - any brand
  • art papers
  • old oil paints
  • dark pastels - oil and soft
  • photo bleaching solution
  • any film cameras

If camera or darkroom equipment is donated, I can type up a receipt for tax purposes. The man can't keep us down!!!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Traveling gal...

At this time next week I will be in London... far from here and the worries and the stress...

Last night I worked on getting my cameras set. I am bringing the T1i, my plastic Yashica 35, and I really want to bring a medium format, but not Diana. I have a maroon Imperial I brought to DC and had great success with those shots. But I really wanted to bring my Grandpa's Argus. But it was in a state of disassembly last night because the shutter was not resetting when I would shoot and advance. Been working on it for months. Well, yesterday was just horrible - reminded me why my favourite times are with the students, not other selfish people in this world - and I needed time alone at home. While the hubby was at acupuncture, I worked on the Argus. Near giving up, I saw another piece far from the area I had been working on near the shutter. I pushed, nudged , and lo and behold... FIXED!!! I snapped that shutter 10+ times and it worked like a charm! Woo hoo! Grandpa can now come with me to London!

Now if only I could figure out how to fix all the cameras at PV... that is my big goal...

Friday, March 26, 2010


... it is really hard to find it right now. My head is so clouded with the bad things going on right now. I know some students are aware, but most have no clue as to what is going on or the ramifications of these things... Brother-in-law may lose his job, our program will have to work bare-bones, ugh....

I have completely forgotten about my own submissions, forgot about a sculpture I sent for a show in Savannah, losing track of how soon our trip to London is... all the things that should be bringing happiness... getting pushed by the wayside.

Socializing Wednesday with nice people and hopefully seeing friends tomorrow should make things a bit better. Making sure to stay after today to end the week on a high note, like last Friday.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

So I thought I would offer this up to all the female students. Yes, Photo II gals, this would count as a submission.

Very, very stressed lately. Was told to just focus on the present. But being the control freak I am regarding the minute happenings in my life, I do not like the unknown because it is usually bad. The only time I like the unknown is on vacation. But, I have to know that hubby and I are employed for the present and what happens, happens. And all my friends and those I care about will... be... ok...

And I just may believe that if I tell myself hundreds of times...

'til then I just hope I can find another nice Colonial or Victorian house, 100+ years old... nice small town close enough to but far enough from a happening urban area... preferably somewhere warm... you know, just in case...

Sharpening the pencils...

... and rethinking how to keep the Photography program strong with a bare bones budget. The students want more - and absolutely deserve more - but we will have to do with less. Honestly, I do not see how the class can be successful with 30 students. That is just the truth. I will do my damnedest to make it work, but it will be hard. The students need so much, and then throw those who do not pay attention, fool around, fall behind, etc. into the mix and I foresee disaster. But I will try my best.

I do believe the public school system is being set up to fail. There are many for-profit school businesses out there in the US. I have read about them - and not in union publications. I have yet to read about one that works. The students get poor resources, the teachers are paid poorly and the only people making the money are the CEO's and the supply companies they contract with.

So now I spend all my time going through books and websites finding processes to do that can use found/donated materials. My sister's Art Department head is gone at the end of the year. She is pregnant. My sister and her husband are not safe either and they have a baby on the way. They will be leaving New Jersey if they lose their jobs. I am second from the top in the art dept but I have to worry about hubby - state social worker. I already looked at houses online in other states...

Does anyone get what I am saying here? Fire the teachers and we will not sit home and collect unemployment. We chose this profession because we are driven to teach. And we will. We will take our households, business dollars and income & property taxes to another state to continue to follow our calling... My certificate is reciprocal in states I would much rather live in anyway...

Monday, March 22, 2010

I thought March was supposed to be calmer when I originally looked at my date book. But slowly the days have filled up with these markings - in pen and you know that is permanent - so I have no free time this month either. Meetings, trainings, appointments, etc..

However, the beautiful weather this weekend gave me the opportunity to work in the gardens. I did not do anything foolish like lifting the insulating cover of leaves... I merely cut the dead stuff. No need for them for winter landscaping anymore! So many bulbs coming up - some in unexpected spots - and I began work on the rose bush. I would say the score ended up being Vasa-1, rose bush-0. Hubby looked at my arms and said he disagreed with that, but no bloodshed, so I win. Next project - get the grape arbour rebuilt - before the vine starts to bloom!

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Yesterday was the perfect ending to a rotten week... Super weather for trip to the city and ICP with super students. We could have spent all day there just enjoying the weather and shooting... Then a walk into town for dinner with to fab guys from town followed by a walk home critiquing the buildings in town! That is just what I needed... And barely a headache after waking up because I haven't been reading the horrible NJ news. Then spend the morning trading pieces of furniture with the sister. I gave her a Depression-era dresser for an old sideboard and cabinet - all grandma's. Moved the organ to the basement with no injuries! Rearranging furniture in the house will be another project but I can't wait to clean up and gently fix up the sideboard! Slowly getting rid of the newer furniture and keeping all stuff that is meaningful.

After seeing so many Czech and Hungarian work yesterday, reading my book on the Foto show at the NGA, and dealing with family objects, I just keep thinking about a trip to Hungary. But I have been lax on my Hungarian lessons... must get going with that....

Friday, March 19, 2010


... because of the news lately. I wish I was more indifferent to things going on but I want to do something about everything that is wrong. Reading a magazine that I knew I should have waited to read. Articles about injustices and violent- and hate-filled people. And with all the political stuff going on, I just go to bed with my head hurting everyday.

But a super field trip planned for Photography, dinner with a fabulous couple in town tonight and mom's birthday! Talk later...

Monday, March 15, 2010

oh dear... work tomorrow... but unlike a snow day which is filled with fun stuff like shoveling and watching the snowflakes fall, this is because peoples' houses are flooded. I do not like a day off for something like this... not very nice, Mother Nature... I do hope all my kids are ok...

Trying to relax... I listed some of my flower photos on Etsy and plan to do artwork tomorrow. Managed to get a submission in tonight. Whew!

Sunday, March 14, 2010

So I just realized that I have three submission deadlines COMING RIGHT UP and because I have been utterly consumed with: a. political happenings and b. that darned yearbook I have completely forgotten to look at my pile o' submissions. Darn...


Guess I will go through the log book of my art and decide what to do as soon as I get home tomorrow.

At least the in-laws loaned us a movie. The original The Italian Job. None of that horrible vile re-make junk. Oh, and saw The Stranger by and starring Orson Welles Friday on NJN. The movie has no relation to the Camus book of course. And I came to the realization that I do not like Orson Welles as an actor. He gives me the creeps but not in a good Peter Lorry way. Bordering on my utter distaste for all that is Katharine "call me Kate" Hepburn. Ugh...

The benefits of tea...

are supposed to be that it relaxes you. Having a great deal of trouble relaxing. I could go through life with blinders on and completely ignorant. But that is not me. Troubled by a recent conversation with a fellow school employee who has no idea of the scope of what is going on in New Jersey right now regarding education cuts and obviously has given no thought as to what can really happen beyond people losing their jobs. I know that the loss of a job is bad - I have been laid off due to employers going out of business and the hubby was fired a month and a half after we bought our house - but there is so much more that will happen.

  • large class sizes- this is so bad for such a hands on area such as art; if the students get aggravated with me b/c I can't get to them soon enough right now, just wait until next year with 10 more kids in each period.
  • cut courses- yes, not every person grows and succeeds in a class based on the three r's; the arts are necessary for a well-rounded education; don't want to bore people with stats here, but suffice to say the research supports me; if you don't believe that, go to Europe and talk to them; they are more well-rounded, intelligent, knowledgeable, and it is a result of an appreciation for all subjects.
  • less attention to the students as people- like it or not, we are surrogate parents in many cases; we are the eyes and ears of the community and we are relied upon to pick up on warning signs that most people miss; most teachers care about the well-being of the students more than you know and having huge class sizes beyond what we can handle makes this part of our jobs near impossible. Trust me, I have taught with classes over 30. IT DOES NOT WORK.
  • lower property value- hit them where it hurts: their pockets. Why do colleges and universities flaunt low teacher student ratios? Because it results in better instruction and learning. So, what do you think happens in a school where that ratio is high? Lower educational quality. And, like it or not, property values are tied to school performance and quality.
I am second in seniority in the art department as far as how long I have been at PV, so I am not at risk of losing my job, so this talk is not self-serving. But I do know that what I have worked extremely hard at building up from ashes - the Photography program - could be weakened by what lies ahead. I would like this state and this country to view educators at qualified professionals, not just baby-sitters. Perhaps then the cuts would be made elsewhere.

Now on to see how little my yearbook staff has done regarding their homework and give myself some more aggravation...

Saturday, March 13, 2010

The teeth...

Millie is in perfect health. Of course she peed herself in the carrier on the way to the doctor for her check up. Hubby had trouble getting her in the carrier. But she is ok! She is a tad bit over 8 pounds so we need to get that in check. And we were so nervous about her teeth. They were plaque-y and stuff, but he broke the plaque off and said it was normal for her. Her gums so so light and healthy. She just lays there like a lump, we feel so bad for her. But she napped with me and is currently yelling for me to go down there with her...

More thoughts on the whole school situation later in the weekend.

Dinner tonight with the in-law's! Yay!!! sarcasm...

Monday, March 8, 2010

New project...

I finally started a new project last night. I think I may be heading in the right direction. Showed them to the hubby in the intended order... he liked them, then once I got to a certain set of images, he just was so creeped out that my pictures were possibly going to give him nightmares. I call that success!

And by the way, if warmer weather mean the behaviour is going to be the way it was today, I say bring back the cold. Not a fan of students who do not listen, do not read the assignments posted online and do not do the work when it is assigned.

Not a happy camper today, but by the afternoon, the smile came back. I wish I could stay after for the students every single day!

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Dental issues...

... for baby Millie. I tried to pick the plaque off her teeth - like the doctor showed us - and that did not go well. Tried to brush her teeth - same results. I just wish she would cooperate! I have a hunch when she goes for her check-up this month, there will be a schedule for a dental cleaning... that means anaesthesia. Yikes!

The PBS schedule this month really stinks but Miss Marple is back at the middle of the month! Nothing like a grand old dame who shows the coppers who's boss!

In a month I will be in the UK! For the second time in less than a year! Gosh, I can't wait.

And I got a sculpture in a show in Savannah, GA. Wish I could go down there to see the show... always wanted to go there.

And I have been putting off the shoot I have been planning. I just get so pooped after work, all I want to do is lay down and read.

And the warm temperatures are making me nervous for my bulbs. Any more of this and the snow will melt and confuse them. They will think it is time to wake up and then there will be a cold snap in April and they will be ruined for the season.

Still procrastinating....

Thursday, March 4, 2010


... I may soon know what it is like to have one. The cat is out of the bag...

I resigned from yearbook.

I only officially told my yearbook class and they were told not to say anything. That was in January. But the position was finally posted. Now I will be able to devote myself fully to the photo classes - as it should be. My heart gave a flutter when I saw the posting on Monday morning. Millie and hubby are happy too.

Gave out the indie assignments this week and loved the reactions - from delight, to anger to confusion... That means I did a good job.

Now I must get to work fighting an anti-history/new construction guy who is looking to wreck my town...

Monday, March 1, 2010

March = Freedom!

Most teachers look at the month of March with a sense of dread. It is the longest stretch with no days off. But I find it flies by. So much work to do, so much creativity going on, and whoosh... the next thing you know, it's April.

I do have two more personal days to use or I lose them. And I have not been back in a gallery since December. So I think I will take a day to go gallery hopping towards the end of the month. Also get some ideas for new projects. I may go to Brooklyn. I found the address of one of the houses my grandmother lived in and want to take some pictures of it - on the sly - and wander the neighbourhood. Also want to go to the British Tourist Authourity and get some more freebies in preparation for the trip back to London. Watching Inspector Lewis is getting us interested in going to Oxford. A day trip perhaps?

Pingry tonight! No time to go home so I am spiffied up for the day. I really hope some kids can go on this short notice. Going to the post office beforehand to mail two more entries for shows. I do wish there were more that were free, but maybe I can claim the entry fees as artist expenses? I wish!