Monday, June 25, 2012


So my legs are truly beat up.  My doctor confirmed that.  I commented on how I get bitten by bugs a lot and he asked if that was all the stuff on my legs and then noticed the bruised and cuts.  Yes, my legs look like crap.  But if they didn't that would mean I am being lazy.  At least all the bruises from going up and down the ladder when I cleaned the gutters are now gone.  I had yellow and peach striped legs!

Hubby calls what I do "High Impact Gardening."  I like that.  However, since the rain came today, the gardening has been shelved for the day.  So, I began the work on the remainder of the interior doors.  I stain, sand, stain and seal them.  Then hang them - three full doors and on bi-fold set and the house will be done!  The sad part is that I will have to buy more stain and sealer and that reminds me of the fact that my favourite hardware store closed.  I can still walk to the other one in town, but I truly loved the one on Main Street.  Sure, they played bluegrass music in there all the time - not a fan - but it was better than a candy store in there.

I also have to make a pie out of all the mulberries I froze.  And the raspberries are coming like crazy!  I love the fact that I do not have to buy fruit at this time of year.  Just run into the yard and pick them...  I just have to watch out for all the deer and bear scat.

I also have a plan to do some secret work... guerrilla gardening... more on that later...

Sunday, June 17, 2012


We went to NYC yesterday.  We ended up spending most of the time in the L.E.S. going to a couple of our favourite places to go.  We usually get off the Path at Christopher Street and cut through SoHo. That will be the last time.  I guess I keep forgetting that SoHo is not what it was in the 90's.  If I want to go to a crowded shopping mall, I will go to a crowded shopping mall.  Ugh... the lost shoppers, people stuck in their iPhone worlds, stopping on the sidewalk looking for that perfect mass-produced, over-priced item.  Alas, we survived and made it to Bluestockings.  Soooo many good zines, the new issue of Worn, and they now carry the small books on doing it yourself at home.  I bought the one on healthy herbal remedies for your cat when I went to Wellsweep Farm a few years ago.  Yesterday I purchased one on making incense.  They have so many fabulous titles.  I looked at the one on breaking your cat's bad habits.  This proud mama can say that Millie has none of them.  I proudly spent over $30 on a bunch of independently published reading material at an independent bookstore.  Who need Barnes & Noble?

We found a little shop with imported food from various Asian and European countries.  They had Fentiman's Dandelion & Burdock soda (had that at a cafe outside St. Paul's in London) but is wasn't refrigerated.  BUT, they did have another brand in a can and cold!  Hot damn!  Nothing better than walking the streets of the L.E.S. with a bag of zines, warm, sunshiny weather and a sipping a can of dandelion & burdock soda.

A fine Saturday all around...  and the last week of school until summer vacation.  Hooooraayyy!

Saturday, June 16, 2012


So I had to re-plant almost all the seeds but I have some growth now:  carrots, radishes, cilantro, squashes, spinach, cucumbers, calendula and borage.  Semi-success.  And the mulberry tree dropped a ton of berries and the raspberry harvest has begun.  Photos to come....

Saturday, June 9, 2012

The rain is killing my vegetable garden.  It is so sopping wet that the seeds are going nowhere.

At least the moistness in the air gave me reason to try out the mosquito head net.  It works like a charm.  The buggers kept trying to get to my face and scalp to eat me alive.  They could not!  Ha ha...  and the neighbours were not heard laughing at me either.