Sunday, October 23, 2011

So I haven't been posting b/c I have just been too busy... There are some things going super swell, others, not so much. 

I am working on trying to get the students to shoot more that they have actually set up instead of what is readily available.  Luckily, some in Photo I had problems with the cameras and had to shoot in class, which forces them to set up a shoot!  Tee hee... Then when others see the backdrops, fancy lights, and the super photos, hopefully that will drive them to set up shoots in class or at home.

Made a couple of submissions over the past couple of weeks.  I am so tired and busy that I haven't been shooting. However, I have managed to develop 4 rolls of film at home.  I have three more to go with the bunch from the Italy trip.  I'm bringing a box of my paper to work tomorrow to make the contact prints.  Every time I set up the basement darkroom when I am home alone, Millie starts to cry from the top of the stairs.  It's a bit hard to work with that going on!

I usually go to DC for the teacher's convention weekend.  That coincides with Foto Week down there and there are always lots of photo exhibits and the galleries are open late for First Friday.  Unfortunately, the hotel we stay at had a super deal but not including that week.  So I am going down another weekend.  But there are some super photo shows that I can't wait to see....  Can't wait to get onto New York Ave and feel like I am home...