Friday, January 7, 2011


I just turned around to look out the window and saw all the snow and it looked so pretty! Thankfully, hubby is home sick today so I do not have to worry about him driving...

I am excited by the students who are looking at the NYTimes Lens blog frequently. I like the students to look on the computer - I would prefer they also look at books, but let's not get too greedy here! - so they can see contemporary artists, especially not those in the canon of "approved" artists. And I was reading the education posts on the Art:21 blog and felt good that a lot of what they wish teachers would do, I do. Phew!

So my favourite posts:
... because I wish I could be there...
... because the modernization/westernization bothers me.

I know the first one I listed shows the effects of the locals leaving. Then the second one shows when the modern cr*p comes to them. I think a culture should be preserved. Nothing bothered me more in England than seeing American chains - McDonald's, Starbucks, etc. - in between the mom and pop's. And the chains were packed and the little ones were not. I think we grow up to be more accepting of differences if those differences remain in full force.

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