Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Mid-point blues

Photography mid-term exams are finished and I am half-way done with the grading. I do always wonder why some students seem to never study. I remember starting studying for mid-terms during Christmas vacation or shortly after. But, I guess work ethics change...

I look forward to this time of the school year because it allows me to assess what I have done with the classes up to this point. It also gives me the free time to do some housecleaning. There are a number of repairs to do on the enlargers and the document drawers in the middle room are a mess. I really need to better glue and nail them back together this time. I do not want to have to do this every year.

I also did an evil thing - checked out some badly needed items on e-bay. I really should not have. But then I think "If I can get this so cheap for the students, that saves the district money and saves that item from the trash heap!" But of course, once I start, where do I stop? I really can't spend my own money.Maybe I will just bid on that medium format negative carrier - $9.99 on e-bay vs. $187 new at B&H. Ugh...

I also love this time of the school year because it allows the students to come and work in the darkroom for as long as they want without having to worry about the bell ringing after 45 minutes. And I can work on my own art, leading by example. There is such an energy in the room at times like this. And it will be exciting with another Photo teacher in the room with me! So much to do...