Saturday, January 29, 2011

So on Tuesday I go for neurological testing again. I have been wearing a wrist thingy at night but the pain persists. I cannot bend my middle finger all the way and it is perpetually stiff. And each time I shovel, the hand and fingers kill. SO what did I do? I chopped ice and tried to move snow today! I have so much ice hanging from the roof that we have to keep the cars parked down the driveway for fear of the icicles falling and damaging the cars!

On the funny side, I have seriously contemplated carving out seating areas in the snow to rest next time we have to shovel... of course, they will resemble mid-century modern because I can't get all fancy and do something Victorian or Art & Crafts...

Yesterday I received the details for the training trip to Paris. So it sunk in that I really need to brush up on the French. My pronunciation is OK but I need to commit to memory some key phrases. The hotel I will be staying in is in the suburb of Massy. Looks average and the hotel looks new. It is across the street from the train, which is a good thing. Need to change over some dollars to Euros. They said we could use an ATM, but I don't know how to do that... Perhaps I should ask at my bank!

We were going to go out with friends to night. But one of them is now sick. They both teach and his kids got him sick! So that means we will be home for the Jimmy Stewart movie on PBS tonight!

And... sad weekend... the Christmas decorations and tree go away... sniffle sniffle...

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