Sunday, January 2, 2011


So while waiting for Google Earth to work, I decided to look at real estate in Hungary. No, we are not moving - though if Chris Christie runs for president and wins, we will be leaving. I just like looking at homes for sale.... always have, since I was little and our family moved around a bit... I told hubby there were some nice cottages that were fixer-uppers in the country in nice small towns. He didn't seem interested... So, I keep looking... Dare to dream...

Then I was able to check out the Paris suburbs on G.E. finally. I naturally checked for the proximity of possible hotels to cafes. They all look like nice quieter areas to rest each night - the hotel, not the cafes! We will all need to be able to get coffee every night so this is a priority!

We are supposed to have friends over today but not sure now. Their doggy is real sick and may not make it today. I so hate hearing about things like this. Millie gave us a scare this weekend. She wasn't eating like normal and tried to cough up something - just like mommy, she hates throwing up. But after detective work, I realized it is the food, not illness. She can be finicky. So no more Evo wet for her, but at least the pumpkin is ok...

Loaded a mint green Savoy with a roll of 120mm yesterday. Eager to keep shooting... and have 2 or 3 more shows to enter...

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