Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Stuff on the brain...

So a student walk-out took place in NJ public schools yesterday. It is interesting to note the variation in coverage - it was either huge or minor. Hmmm.... I cannot post my opinion here for fear that the guv may have his people find this, see approval and compare me to the Sinaloa cartel using my kids as drug mules.

I will say that Miss Lauto appears to have a good grasp of the facts, is aware of the ramifications and is very articulate. Let us see where this goes from here.

Desperate to get back outside in the garden but not eager to lose feeling in my fingers. The sun was deceiving yesterday. But - amazingly - I have nothing planned this weekend and look forward to the good weather. I have little seedlings coming up already in my terrariums on the porch. It is only the amaranth, but hopefully they will make it this year and I can finally grow my own grain! Next challenge: onions.

I may be getting back on the radio for a day! There may be a slot open for me on Alumni Takeover Week at WMSC!!! Woo hoo! I have been itching to get back on the air for years... Time to get the vinyl out...

Sunday, April 25, 2010


So much accomplished and not...
First... ecstatic that I can now comment on everyone's blog at school! Must be because Mr. M re-programmed my computer! Hooray! So I will be commenting on the blogs tomorrow morning because I am pooped and need a nap.
Second... I despise getting to Hoboken too late! All set with the Canon to take my first shots at a show with the DSLR - apparently the only way to be taken seriously when shooting at a show! - and hubby is stuck late at work because of some sponsor problem. We don't leave the house until 8.30 pm. Well, you know what that means in Hoboken on a Friday night. NO parking!!! Oh, sure we could have paid $20 for a far away garage but on principle I refuse to. I am not one of the typical alcoholic yuppies or frat boys looking to get drunk. I just wanted a nice dessert at Vivian Girls show at Maxwell's. Sigh... So we went to a Greek cafe I know and were the only people there not orange and muscular, listened to really loud bad techno but had SUPER Mexican hot chocolate and raspberry filled crepes. Mmmmm...
Third... great weather + free time on a Saturday = me in the garden. Finished weeding the tree saplings from the backyard. I do it by hand; no pesticides; no motorized anything. As I am pulling the last of the weeds, my neighbour turns on his obnoxiously loud, expensive, gas-powered weed whacker. I felt oh so smug knowing I can pull my weeds and trim my lawn by hand or with hand tools and a push reel mower that does not guzzle a fossil fuel and smell up the 'hood. Yup, my garden looks great and it is all chemical free! Trimmed some bushes, weeded the alleyway behind the yard and trimmed the dead from the lemon scented thyme. There is still so much more to do but that's what spring is for.
Fourth... went to a gallery opening with six photographers' work. Nice stuff. Made a quick dash out because there was a fellow from high school there that still gives me the creeps... Walked to get dessert and then walked home for movie night on Thirteen. "To Have and Have Not" was supposed to be a great script and great movie made from Hemingway's self-professed worst story. Well, the movie was bad. Slow, awkward dialogue, and just ick. Liked Bogart and Bacall, just a bad movie.
Fifth... as a result of the yard work, massive allergy attack thus not much sleep. Need for a nap, pronto.

Today, rest and computer. I find this pull with Spring to not go on the computer. I want to be outside gardening or sitting by the open window reading. Plop a cassette in the walkman and weed to my heart's content. Get things done with music in the background at all times. Can't wait to put the cushions on the chairs and spend all day outside.

And yes, I do not own an mp3 player. My walkman suits me just fine!

Thursday, April 22, 2010


What to say... Wish I lived in Europe where teachers are all appreciated and respected? Yes, I do. So sorry about things in life in NJ right now. Bad karma is hanging over the state much like that dense cloud of fog that hung over Parsippany and East Hanover this morning. But, unlike the fog, this will not dissipate quickly. At least I have a cousin eager for Mandy and I to move to North Carolina and and Aunt-in-law eager for us to move to Dallas.

Voted on Tuesday, no line. But my town's budget passed. The weather was so beautiful, I gardened after feeding Millie. Then after dinner, rushed outside to garden more. Weeding and trimming the dead off the bushes is so much fun. Worked 'til sundown.

Yesterday was time for more volunteer work. Five of us spray painted urns for new business members. Then, our monthly roving night out. Last night was the sushi place. I do not do sushi, but their tofu teriyaki is great! Then home for Millie play time and then we watched P.O.V.'s presentation of Food, Inc. on Thirteen.

Eric Schlosser, authour of Fast Food Nation, was involved in this documentary. If one had not read the book or did not make oneself aware of the goings-on in the food industry, this would be a nightmare to watch. It was an excellent film. So happy with it. Hard to watch at times, but much of what I saw I have seen before in books and publications. I came way from it happy with the efforts hubby and I go to to eat in a healthy, socially responsible way. However, we are the minority. There was one farmer who was so well spoken and knew his facts. He had such wonderful ideas. I just want to know when the Monsanto and beef and pork industry ads will be replaced by ads promoting healthier - and affordable - eating and production will be the norm.

Sadly, I fear this film just preaches to the choir. Those who need to see this film - every parent and child - will never even bother. Sigh...

Sunday, April 18, 2010


Riding in a town nearby yesterday noticing the signs on peoples lawns imploring people to vote "yes" for the budgets on Tuesday I realized there is nothing of the sort in the towns near work. The signs I saw were simple but to the point: "A vote yes for our schools is a vote yes for our children." I happen to know that this district does not pay well - just like PV - despite the fact that it is a wealthy district. However, I have noticed a great deal of homes for sale in this town. Tells me that there must be a great deal of people hit by this recession. But they still see the value in a good education for the kids. They also are not foolish - good schools means good property values. I would be surprised if this town votes down the budget. I do not live in an area where the people expect something for nothing.

However, I do work in an area where the majority do expect everything for free. The fact of the matter is that education is not cheap. You must pay people to teach you. Those people must be qualified to do their jobs. The expertise that is expected comes at a price. We get a salary that many of us can't even live on - not the number of teachers with second jobs. But people will still vote down our budgets. Then complain when the class sizes are out of control and decent teachers leave the state to go where they are paid well enough to live and treated with respect. They will complain that the sports and special things like clubs are gone, that there is nowhere for the kids to go once the bell rings. Nothing is hitting anyone now, so it may seem like a good choice to vote no. Save a few bucks on your taxes. I wish my taxes increased a little as those in the Totowa Triangle. You would shudder if you heard the amount my taxes increase each year.

But I will still press the "Yes" button on Tuesday. Sadly, I don't think the majority of the people where I teach will. Prove me wrong.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Why is it always about money?

Our design committee meeting was last night. Fun as usual, but I was anxious that our Main Street group president was going to give us the talk about going to the next town meeting to fight for keeping all the funding for our organization. I just cannot support that. I can support a cut in funding - I have issues with our lone paid full-time employee and feel we could do well with a per-diem person - but the issues is face each day here at work won't let me stand up at another town meeting to beg for money when I am confident that we, as volunteers, will keep our organization going no matter what.

It was blissful being an ocean away an not hearing the voice or the name of our governor. Granted, the UK is awash in politics with the impending election of a new PM in May, but Christie just upsets me and it was nice to be away from that.

Looking at what we have left as far as film and chemistry, I feel like Dems and I finally got it right and ordered just the right amount of stuff. We may actually not run out of anything this year! Problem - we have had to cut film and paper quantities for next year. Sigh...

I am loving walking around my yard and looking at all the blooming flowers - the bulbs survived! Every day I get out of my car and just walk around and look at all the tulips, daffodils, violets. And all the other stuff coming up - hostas, peonies, etc. Time to break out the feel-good spring time music!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Monday, April 12, 2010


I will really need one. Got home around 7.30 pm. At this point yesterday I was sitting in a park in London talking to a guy who was drinking way too early... How do they always find me?!?

The view from the plane leaving just beats the view when arriving by a long shot. Manor houses, green hills, small villages, winding roads past council houses versus Route 208 and the garden State Plaza. Need I say more? Sadness... sigh...

Watch this space for the blow-by-blow... if you are interested in that sort of thing...

Sunday, April 4, 2010

So apparently there are times when you cannot get into PV. I am just going to have to concede defeat and not bring Grandpa's Argus I did tape up the Diana to hopefully plug the light leaks and I will bring her instead. You didn't really think I would go to London without a medium format, now did you?

The friends told me to get the thumb looked at, but upon inspection, I believe the part has stuck back to the rest of the thumb. Heck, if anything happens, I get to experience the British health system!

Had a dream that I had students on a trip in London and we were at the Parliament buildings. Dare to dream!

Saturday, April 3, 2010


So one would not think that as a lefty, losing the use of one's right thumb is such a problem, but I can tell you it is...

So, apparently swinging a hammer at a nail while perched precariously at the edge of a semi-high stone wall means you better have good aim! Thought I merely hit the thumbnail, soldiered on through the ouch, proudly surveyed the repair work on the compost bin and proceeded to refill the compost with the pitchfork. Until I saw the blood on my thumb. "Hmm, that doesn't look good." Head into the bathroom to wash it off, and once the water hit it, I realize a huge chunk was 3/4 ripped off and the water flapped it back. Well, I nearly fainted, Millie quizzically sniffing me while I cool off on the cold tile floor in the kitchen. Guzzled some OJ, and worked my way to the couch. Hubby comes home from the Canal tour and I get the "I can't leave you alone for 2 hours" talk - which is true; I am accident prone. But Millie was supposed to watch me and she took a nap... The thumb is throbbing and I stuck the piece back where it belongs - no ER for me this time. Just lots of cream and a big bandage.


The compost bin is fixed. The bush was moved. Didn't get to move the leaves or turn over the dirt but I trimmed the lilac, last of the roses, sage, and butterfly bush. All before the boo boo.

So the lesson my dear students... do as I say, not as I do and watch the hammer's point of contact.
Let me tell you, if I could garden with one of those cave-explorer light-on-the-head type things without my neighbours - or hubby - thinking I am nuts, I would. Actually, that wouldn't stop me. It it my propensity for headaches that stops me. I gardened so much yesterday it my hips ache every time I stand up. Now that is a great sign... Spring is here! My arms are ripped apart as a result of pruning the roses and berry bushes, but in the best way possible...

Goals for today: 1. repair our compost bin - it is actually a repurposed futon frame we garbage picked. Horray for saving money! 2. finish leaf removal. 3. turn the soil in the vegetable garden. 4. move large bush to further up the stone wall - for privacy from my wife-beater neighbour.

Much to do, but I think I can get it done.

Then, nap with Millie, leave at 5.30 for dinner with friends - with a side trip to PV because this dipstick left all her respooled film at school!

A perfect night for walking in the city! Bringing the point-and-shoot...

Friday, April 2, 2010

So guess what?

I left the film at school! I didn't even remember when I was on the road and could turn around. I remembered in the driveway! Duh!

Looks like I will be taking a detour on my way to Fort Lee tomorrow. Hope the building is open.

Spent a couple of hours uncovering the gardens from their blanket of insulating leaves. Coming up: poppies, peonies, hosta, irises, echinacea, muscari, daffodils, beard-tongue, and more! Managed to get 1/3 of the property done - trust me, it's not big! So the power went out in our neighbourhood and I didn't even know! My neighbour had to ask me! Now, that's great! Better being in the garden than tied to the electronics.

And with that, I head back outside...