Tuesday, July 28, 2009


Rodent tally for the past week:

Thursday - one adult mouse...so that's why Millie was obsessed with trying to get in the basement...
Friday - one adolescent mouse...uh, you know what this means; there is a family...
Saturday, early Sunday - bat in the bedroom; he goes into my workroom, doesn't leave, but we can't find him; he camps out all day...
Sunday night - bat comes downstairs; doubt he wanted to watch "To Kill a Mockingbird" with us; we lure him into the bedroom and open all windows with door closed; exit bat...
Monday - one adult mouse; when dropping him off at the river, I think he said "see you next week" as he hopped away...

Why our house? We keep it clean, we have Killer Millie, and the house across the street is dirty and the slovenly drunk next door can't possibly keep his house nicer than ours... I guess I just have to plant more mint. At least the mosquitoes are leaving me alone.

The veggie garden is finally moving consistently. I hope to have tomatoes, okra and cucumbers before the first frost.

Had a dream about exchanging our currency for London...I think it's a sign that I need to get on that...kind of like I have to get on submitting my work...Hey, at least I am making art, not just sitting watching TV, drinking brewskies and getting large like my wife-beater neighbour...How come nice people are losing their houses and this guy isn't? Where is the money coming from?

Going to Trenton tomorrow for a NJ Main Street workshop. Riding in the van with an alderman. Have to get up the nerve to talk to him about pertinent issues if the opportunity arises...will report on it later in the week...

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Uh oh...facebook

Well, I did it. I am on Facebook. Two reasons: networking for art shows - so I'm told - and keeping in touch with former students. I don't want to get myself in trouble and connect with current students. I wouldn't post bad stuff, but if I see something, I have to report it. And I don't want that hanging over my head. Anyway, I will see them all the time come September.

Speaking of...with it being a despicable 66 degrees, one would think it is autumn. This is disgusting. I was just getting used to going in the pool and things actually growing. Now this. Ugh!

Worked with resin again...outside. It was messy, things slipped and things are crooked. Well...it just looks funky...yeah, that's what I meant to do.

I have been thinking of switching around my workroom. Unfortunately, the two windows I could lookout, are not good for placing the drafting table in front of. There are two higher windows, so I may put the table there. I would just have to hop up a bit for sunshine. I may also move more toys up in the attic - make it a bit of a toy room. Yeah, I collect toys. And maybe even paint another wall lavender, instead of the bright purple it is. Lots of things to do to help the creativity...

Big meeting tonight with Main Street. Met with the police yesterday about vandalism. I handled it well. I wasn't treated like a suspect. That usually happens since I look like a kid. Big change...I really want to improve this town, but there are so many obstacles. In a way, I feel like the effort of us younger people is for nothing because of the older people who run this place from behind the scenes. Maybe I will run for office...

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Goop Update...

Well, the resin looks good. I popped them out of the molds this morning and hooray! Now to buy more. I would go take pictures and upload them but Millie is napping on my lap so I am stuck on the computer for awhile...

So I finally got onto Facebook...and so many former students are finding me. It's a nice way to keep in touch, especially since my Yahoo account has been so temperamental.

Rain is supposed to come tomorrow, so I will do more art and price all my stuff for Mandy's garage sale. The big purchase has upset me b/c of loss of funds, so any income right now would feel good...

Monday, July 13, 2009


Cast with resin for the first time. I have done epoxy resin before. For some reason I figured traditional resin would smell less noxious. WRONG!!! The basement stunk so bad I had to leave the basement door open a couple of hours. Of course I was worried that Mr. A - friendly neighbourhood cat - would show up and walk in. He's done that before. If Millie got wind of that she would have had a hissy fit. The only thing that came in was flies... But I couldn't do much because 1. I didn't want to kill brain cells and 2. like a dope I kept the resin too long and the majority of it is not workable. But the pieces look real nice. Once it airs out down there I will tone some pictures....scared of mixing noxious fumes.

Took Mandy for a ride in the Prius. She likes... she said it looked sporty! Woo hoo! Might put Nellie/LeBaron on e-bay as per mom's suggestion.

Best news for last...
Seeds are sprouting! Four okra sprouts and a bunch of squash sprouts. Thought they were butternut, but not so sure now. I have no idea what I planted. And the mystery thing grew again this morning... see above for image...it inflates then deflates by mid-morning. Saw it for the first time Wednesday and then again today. Can't be a mushroom b/c they don't behave that way...I think. Maybe it is a monitoring system of some sort...where's Fox Mulder when you need him?

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Pool time!

So we actually have some sunny days in a row... Mother Nature did as I wished and rained overnight. Perfect, I do not have to water in the morning and the rain barrels are full or near full.

Garden update:
  • tomato plants - 2-3 inches high - not good
  • okra - what okra?!?
  • spinach - seems to have stalled
  • beans & cucumbers - flowers! yay...food to come
  • lettuce - sprouting, or they may be weeds...
  • watermelon - slow but moving
  • basil - good
This is just NOT where I expected to be at this point in the summer. I should be picking cucumbers and basil galore by now. UGH! There is no bug bite update because I am remembering to put stuff on before going out!

Have to get moving on the submissions. I always tent to wait til the last minute and then I forget about it, like one show I really wanted to submit for and I missed the Friday DL. Stupid...

I drove the Prius more yesterday. It feels more fun to drive now. I think I am getting used to it. And since I love to coast, this is great. It coasts like a dream, and you can see the gauge show you the transition to electric and your MPG! Cool...

I also have to get my butt moving on preparing stuff for MY etsy shop. That's right. Sister isn't doing it. She's busy with redoing the house. I have to get packaging and all the other incidentals set. And I have to finish the railings for the attic and basement, and finish rewriting town litter code and send to the aldermen, and get everything in place for our town anti-litter campaign, and get stuff set for London...ooof...

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Fun friday...

I finally got out & socialized! I have been so overwhelmed by the whole car thing. Went hiking in a far place - kept secret b/c I do not want the spot to be overwhelmed by stupid party people - and it was so cool. The remains of old buildings really excite me. Especially when entrance is achieved!
Thanks Czeps and Ashley! Next time, I drive...

Oh, and about that...


I bought the Prius. It's dark grey and really cool. I drove it three times so far...hybrid is WEIRD!

I have to eat some lunch now and cut wood to make stair railings. Probably post more tomorrow.

Oh and to the students who aren't posting...where are you?!? Hope you are not stuck in line at Sonic...I heard about that craziness...my sister had to give up on a chance to eat there...

Monday, July 6, 2009

Busy busy busy...

Finally, multiple days in a row with sun. I forgot what color the sky was...

Done today:
  • built screen to hide garbage cans and started digging holes for posts
  • nailed downstairs bathroom door strips back in place
  • gardened
  • read
  • swam
  • napped with Millie
  • moved rocking chair upstairs
To do:
  • go through stuff in attic for sister's garage sale
  • put lattice in garden for beans and cucumbers to climb
  • listen to music
  • weeding and deadheading at parents?
Got a quote from one dealership today. Will go test driving Wednesday or Thursday. I guess I should clean out my car. I also have to go to the bank to get ready for the big purchase...sniffle...

I realized that with doing all the research for the car issue, I forgot to enter my work in a couple of shows. Whoops! So I spent about an hour last night researching calls for art. There are a lot for me to get ready and submit to. I hope I get in a couple. Right now I have three photos in Still Point Gallery until August. My first online show. Perhaps something will sell... My parents want to buy my book from amazon.com. They think it will look better if someone with a different name purchases it and reviews it. Good point. Perhaps I should advertise it on one of my blogs. I guess the art/private/non-school one. It is kind of pricey. 49 Euros!

I also have to get going with the Etsy shop. Perhaps sister will want to move along with the potential to earn money!

Have three friends on facebook. I am on it for art networking, but I know NOTHING about how to do this. It is actually quite confusing. Jeez...

I am stuck here on the computer for awhile since Millie is sleeping on my lap, so I guess I will do some research into donating cars and the pros/cons of that. ...sniffle... oh, and look up some more music shows, art stuff, craft stuff...

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Car update...

So it looks like I am leaning toward the Prius. I don't like the futuristic look, but in black, it looks more sporty, less spacey. Took an Altima Hybrid for a test drive. Realized that looking at a car that big was doing what mom expects - safe car - not what I want. I want more than mid-30's MPG from a hybrid. The Camry and Altimas just don't do it for me. I figured since this is the second car I am buying with my own money, this time I will decide. Anyway, I am almost 36 and mom has to stop telling me what to do. It still bothers me that I bought my first car with my own money but she told me what I could and could not buy.

Re: Mini Cooper - the exterior is soooo nice. And I could get the Union Jack caps for the side view mirrors. But the more I look at the interior, the more I hate it. It is too gimmicky. But I will still take it for a test drive, just to drive it. Tee hee...

Garden is looking so lush. Veggies make me want to cry. Water them and nothing. At least the compost is looking nice and black so I will put that in the beds to hopefully help.

Got a Time Out guide to London. Half price at Borders with a coupon and sale. Woo hoo! This is so overwhelming. I just can't wait to go. I have to roll lots of film. I decided with the car purchase, the DSLR will have to wait. So that is less to pack. With the weather the way it is here, we'll probably have to take a side trip to Brighton to get real beach weather. Pathetic...

Have to sew the window clack out cloths to work in the darkroom. Also looking to nail the safelight to a beam so I don't have to balace it precariously on the foundation ledge. Also so that a mouse doesn't knock it down while scurrying through!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009


Well, the pimp-mobile is done. The question of when to repaint is moot. The car has transmission disease. I have to shop for real now. Ugh. I test drove a hybrid Altima yesterday. The main salesman was nice - a sports photographer! - but the brought over the big guns hard sell guy immediately after the test drive. Definite turn-off. Pal, if I tell you I pay cash and you do not have to worry about a default, I call the shots. But I played nice-nice because I knew their efforts to sucker this gal into walking out with a new car immediately was not going to work.

I really like the Mini Cooper and the Clubman gives me the room I need, especially to transport stuff for work. But I really want a hybrid. I'm not a lead foot anyway. I am the little poky in the right lane never going over 65mph. Yeah, my own students have probably ridden my tail on route 46 or 80 at some point. But, even though I paid for my first and only car with my own money, momma called the shots and I had to get the car she approved of. Now I am torn. Yikes!

Gardening report...
  • something keeps pulling out my amaranth seedlings...who is it?!? I must catch the demon!
  • two watermelon seedlings...some more tomato seedlings
  • okra is struggling but the spinach and basil will hopefully make it
  • the pool is sparkling and the ladder is ready to be put in...11 mosquito bites in the last ten minutes of cleaning it Monday night...it's like I have a target on my back...either that or they set up the mosquito sattelite station to pick up my exact location at all times of the day...does this count as garden? sure, it's in the backyard...
  • the stick I planted as support for the raspberries has become a nice tree and I love the way it drapes over the pool yet does not shade it...almost tropical...I can at least pretend I live in a warmer climate...

Have to bring many school cameras to be repaired. Repair shop: Paramus. My home: Morris County, NOWHERE near Paramus. Me: no car. Looks like I will have to endure a long distance ride with mom. I will just bring a book to read and put tape over my mouth.