Sunday, January 19, 2014

I just volunteered for another project.  Oopsie.  I went to a political organization meeting.  We are trying to get more involvement from members.  I volunteered to help with the online presence.  Sigh....  I am excited to do this, but how to fit it in...  Beats me.

I was super sick a week ago.  Worst I have felt in a long time but did not take a day off because I had a workshop that week.  I hate being out and did not want to be out twice in one week.  And I had an itchy reaction to the antibiotics.  Well, not my nose is stuffed on one side, I am coughing, and there is blood in the phlegm I cough up.  Looks like the bug that's going around work.  And exams start this week.  Oooh boy.

And on top of all this, the sewer pipe is still not flowing well.  We have someone coming over this week to look in the pipe with a special camera.  Hubby will be there for that fun.  Then we find out if we have to have the side dug up and have the pipe replaced.  I hope not.  I have a lot of plants I would need to pull up and I would want to sift the dirt for the usual debris - pottery shards, glass, bones, etc..  I don't think the plumber will appreciate my request to do that, but I will try.  Something like "You know, it's so much more work for you to back fill the hole you dug.  Just leave it to me.  Giggle giggle...."

Hubby's reading pile amounted to a couple of book marks.  He ran out of reading.  I felt a little bit of panic for him.  Luckily my piles are only slightly diminished.  And then I have a coupon from one publisher, a sale going on at Buy Olympia, and tons of new releases from another publisher.  So many books to read, so little time.

Sunday, January 5, 2014


I have been on a reading tear lately.

Then I had to go to the medi-center today.  My throat has felt like I was swallowing knives and I have not slept in three days.  It is Sunday.  My doctor is not in.  I had to sit in the waiting room for over an hour.  This office had the ubiquitous flat screen TV with "news" 12 on.  What is it with all these doctor's offices with this TV and the same channel?  Whatever happened to reading the magazines they put there for you?  Or bringing your own reading, like I do?  Well, it made me feel even worse.  If you get your news from that channel, you are not better informed.  I could feel my brain atrophy at the minutes ticked by.  I even burped.  Now, I do not burp.  Last year I did once.  My lifetime high was three in a year.  You could be sitting next to me and not know I burped.  But this channel made me so ill, I burped.  At least I got a prescription for this fever and sore throat so that I can go to work tomorrow.

But so...

I have been reading a ton lately.  I read a David Sedaris book, a book on urban exploration, two art books, my regular political periodicals, a Duran Duran book, some zines....  So my brain will recover from the doctor's visit.   I just feel like I can't get enough reading.  I want to go and order more and more books from my favourite publishers and the library.

And my stellar quote of the day:  "Always have a spare bookmark, because you never know when you'll need it."

I am proud of that one.