Sunday, March 13, 2011


So I was going to take a personal day tomorrow but the flooding is so bad that there is no school... Much rather have to use the personal day...

Liking the work on the indie projects so far... of course, the usual suspects are not doing a thing... grrr... but did get some nice stuff from the one with the monitor monitoring him! Oh, those shots are nice...

My pictures from Paris came in... all 398 of them! And not a sunny sky to be seen .... cannot wait for June... three or four cameras, at least...

And I finally got out and socialized... I have been spending so much on work and town stuff and it was very nice to see some old friends... I must get out more... perhaps when the weather is nicer.

And speaking of nice weather... with Spring coming you know what that means... gardening!!! I saw my Alderman and his wife at a town meeting Wednesday. She asked when I will be starting back at the M-K house! Oh dear! I cannot wait to get back there to weed and prune! I think I was salivating.... seriously... And I also have pulled out my seed catalogues. Since it is pledge time and nothing is on TV, I will be working on my list of what to order for the gardens: more herbs, some new perennials and replacing veggie seeds I have used up... Yippee!!!

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