Friday, December 23, 2011

Good things:  former students visiting; much of the classes actually worked or listened to me give instructions on the last day of school before the Christmas vacation; reading a fascinating book on the history of Hungary while planning a trip to the father country; a great night seeing the Nutcracker at the Community Theatre in Morristown with Gary Fagin and the state orchestra.

Bad things:  drama and events at work that make me sad and realize I cannot possibly make it to retirement in this place; missing a visit from a former student; getting to be sick as a dog on the first day of vacation.

My throat is sore as hell, my mouth hurts because my Invisalign has sharp edges and I just can't file them down more right now with my leaky, drippy nose.  So my teeth are wrapped in plastic and wax and I look like I have a mouth full of marbles.  Fabulous.  But I guess I could use the down time to get art done.  I have a bag full of bone, bug and felt work.  I have the grand idea of making casts of my hands for mounts but using the plastic mold making thing instead of plaster.  Then I want to work in the darkroom this coming week - if Millie allows.  She always yells from upstairs right as I get everything set up.  Might as well leave the chemistry out in the trays like at work so I can just rush, black out the windows and get moving.  Perhaps bang out a print or two before the crying starts. 

The ICP winter schedule came in the mail.  I think, if scheduling allows, I will finally take a two day workshop.  I see a few in alternative processes that I would love to do.  I need to get more things done to enter into shows. 

Speaking of shows, the A.I.R. Gallery Generations VIII closing reception on Wednesday was nice.  Although I posted information online, no one showed.  But I did get to meet the woman who runs the gallery and couple of the other artists in the show.  Then we went to Rice, a restaurant around the corner from the gallery.  Super nice place for such a rich pert of Brooklyn and hubby's green rice dish was super good, as was my curry and basmati dish.  Now if only I could get off my butt and get more work in shows....

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