Tuesday, December 6, 2011


The house all decorated inside.  I decided to go with a "Bows & Balls" theme this year.  I used Christmas ribbon that my grandmother had but never got the chance to use.  I made bows for the first floor windows.  I picked up my parents' old pre-lit tree last night.  I am tired of our tree and want a change.  I do hope it will fit the height of our rooms but I may have to finagle something.  The tree we have is a circa 1950's tree we picked up at the curb about 13 years ago.  I love it but it is time to use another one.  I really wish I never let the one in my grandmother's attic go.  I could use a tree that meant something then... but I will be using her Christmas balls.  We have so many tree decorations that I can decorate the rest of the house with tons of balls.  My ideal would be to spray my dry hibiscus branches with silver or gold and suspend them from the ceilings in the dining and living room and then hang balls from there.  Perhaps next year.

I have a photo in the Generations VIII exhibit at the A.I.R. Gallery in Brooklyn.  The opening was last week - skipped it b/c I cannot take a trip to Brooklyn twice in one week.  But I will be attending the closing reception.  I posted the information online in the hopes that some friends will show up.  But only one friend ever showed up to a reception of mine.  Two have said they went to see the work in a gallery show, but they probably skimmed through.  Ah well... one can hope for more...

Oh, and Millie snagged a swipe of my pumpkin pie and now wants pizza and pie nearly every night.

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