Friday, April 15, 2011


So this week just gets better and better! After much crawling around the computer and making Millie get up off my lap and a long phone call with Verizon and just sheer aggravation, it appears my modem is not working. No internet at home. Grrrr.... So I cannot comment on student blogs, cannot keep up the PV Budget site, can't look up all my political stuff, can't send in art to galleries, and just major problems all around. Verizon says the new modem should arrive on Monday. Let's hope so.

Today I have an appointment with the hand surgeon. We try a cortizone shot. This better work. Gardened some yesterday with no pain. But then I forgot to vote on the PVEA elections and - even worse - I completely forgot jury duty on Wednesday. Luckily the Morris County lady took complete pity on me. She saw I was a teacher and I get the feeling we do this quite a bit. She said they reserve summer jury days for teachers. So, I have a July date. Phew! I thought I was would be arrested for contempt of court. I felt faint when I saw the notice. Hubby laughed at me...

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