Saturday, April 16, 2011

Wasted time...

Lingered around work for an hour b/c of a delayed hand appointment to find out it was a waste b/c my doctor did not send my EMG report yet again. Of course, a perfect ending to a perfect week. I seem to be surrounded by people who do not want to do their work but act like they are giving 110%. So my reschedule had to be for next Friday - when I was supposed to go see Lucy at her swim lesson.

So I have decided to spend the rest of my vacation for myself. I have one more thing to do and then the week is mine. I have given enough of myself to this job for 9+ years to realize it has been a waste. I will work on my own art, my own submissions and even saunter on into the city and shop and gallery hop alone - no one to bother me...

Last bit for the kids... the following schools have summer program deadlines coming up:

School of Visual Arts - open on a first come, first served basis; housing all full
RISD - first come, first served
Corcoran - open; excellent Photojournalism and Fine Art Photo programs
Pratt - Extended until April 30!
University of the Arts - Extended until May ! with limited space; Michelle had full scholarship last year!
Tyler School of Art - three different sessions
Massachusetts College of Art and Design - Summer Intensives
MICA - summer pre-college deadline is April 21
The School of the Art Institute of Chicago - open registration began in March
Kansas City Art Institute - deadline April 22
Academy of Art University - open registration

Just in case anyone was interested...

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