Friday, April 22, 2011


So I let a lot of bills out of my hands today. I actually treated myself and didn't just go shopping, but also went buying! I spent an insane amount of money - $150 - on a pair of shoes, found a Love & Rockets book at Houseworks bookstore (love the Hernandez bros), and picked up a ton of zines and "issue" magazines at Bluestockings. I was going to bring a film camera and just shoot on the sly, but I wanted to just walk and look...

Speaking of looking, there was a Fiat showroom on Wooster. There were three 500's parked on the street outside and two new ones and one vintage inside. They offered to let us take a test drive but in Soho? No way! But they were nice to sit in. But nicer to sit in a drive in Europe! I remember a billboard in France advertising it for 10,000 Euros! So cheap! Probably a lot higher here with shipping and such...

And last bit of news, the shipment of backpacks, luggage tags and phone cards came from EF! Such a big box!!! It is in my trunk and anxious to be brought to PV. So, another trip meeting soon... and I took a 4-cd French language set out of the library. Woo hooo!!!!!

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