Saturday, April 9, 2011

The Jungle...

So, another ode to the wonders of the inter-library loan: I am reading the full, uncensored, one-third longer version of Upton Sinclair's The Jungle... I think everyone should read it in school... particularly those who do not understand why those in poverty tend towards criminal activity. I also fear that the situation in the book - not fiction - is the end goal of some people.... scary. Read it while perusing a copy of Jacob Riis' How the Other Half Lives. I dare you...

I have, unfortunately, not kept up on the art. Been doing a lot of union stuff and the grades were due - of course students procrastinate - and I have my town work and Millie was sick and I just really need to get back to the art. The pile of calls for entry sit there and the due dates pass and I feel like I have done nothing. I am working on a clean up tomorrow on Main Street at 9.00 am. I am seriously thinking if dropping out of the one organization because of numerous reasons. I want to do more stealth stuff, not be tied to an organization where the exec. takes a salary and most of the credit. Hubby and I are considering guerilla gardening. Well, not considering it, but considering the projects! Shhhhh......

At the last HPC meeting someone mentioned the "great" job the M-K House tenant is doing with mending the fence and the landscaping and I nearly exploded. I did the land clearing and landscaping! There is only one person who has thanked me, the rest don't even acknowledge the weeks of work I did over the summer and fall. Alas, I should be used to all of this. The last 7 years of work at PV has been nothing but one person taking credit for the work of others.... I just have trouble lying down and playing dead.

At least today I will go bike riding in Central Park with friends, have a super meal out, and perhaps see Lucy's first tooth! It looks like a big one!!! Pictures sure to follow......

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