Saturday, March 19, 2011


I finished the biography of Judy Chicago last night. I was always ambivalent about her work until I saw an extremely good exhibit on her at the National Museum of Women in the Arts. Seeing her work in person, I actually got it... Now after reading all about her and the cr*p she has dealt with as a woman artist and educator, I feel like more people need to know about her, not just her work. She is a female who speaks her mind, wants to be respected and treated fairly, does not like it when sexist or competitive people try to push her aside and speaks up often and loudly when she needs to. Bravo! Anybody wonder why I like her? Oh, and she's short... and some of us know how much a short, sassy, vocal woman with strong opinions and beliefs is accepted...

Raced to Rockaway to meet the accountant to give her the taxes... then raced home to get work done. Worked in the garden until dark after dinner. And lo and behold... the mosquitoes know I am out and about. But the bulbs are coming up so nicely. I am eager to plant more, but to be honest, if our governor runs for president and wins, there will be a 3 bedroom/ 2 bath house in Morris County for sale right away. And that means lots of perennials and bulbs to dig up and transport. Not the time to plant more...

I have been keeping up on the union and education issues and just want to know - yes, I keep asking this question - what ever happened to respect? If teachers can withhold opinions and let students speak their minds and still respect them - particularly if I vehemently disagree - then why can others?

Hoping to go and see some friends tonight... need to get rid of this bleakness...

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