Sunday, March 27, 2011


So I cannot shovel for the rest of the season... Hubby's orders. I did something to my neck when shoveling Thursday. Just a wee bit sore. Then on Friday, sharp pain. Then by Saturday night, unbearable. Pain up the neck and down to the shoulder. St. Clare's ER is surprisingly quiet on a late Saturday night! But apparently I have a sprain/strain with horrible muscle spasms. I was supposed to shoot buildings on Main Street with an HPC partner in crime on Friday. Canceled b/c it was just too darn cold. Then I have to cancel on him today b/c the pain was unbearable. With the painkillers I had to get, it is ok, but I am extremely loopy. And now to the segue on how this connects to Photography...

So even if I could have managed walking up and down the street, because the shutter release is on the right, I could not have shot all those pictures with a right arm throbbing with pain. So... this southpaw is wondering why there are not cameras made for lefty's. Hmmm... I think there is certainly a market for that...

I also determined that since I cannot drive or go anywhere today, I might at well catch up on submissions. Finished two, and will try to do two more before signing off...

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