Sunday, October 24, 2010


Ironic security word if you read it fast considering how I detest when the students let their underthings hang out....

Had such a good time at the record fair yesterday. I have never been so wiped out from flipping records before in my life. Three pieces of vinyl, 4 cd's, and three rare UK magazines from the early 1980s! And most of what I found weren't just "oh, nice" but "whoa! been looking for that for years!" The only problem is that our Vegan restaurant guide was from 2008 and what we looked for was mostly closed. Went to Dojo's - flashback to college nighttime Village visits - and then Bruno's for the BEST cannoli and cappuccino. It is no mean feat to keep me up at night and this cappuccino did just that! Beverage to the rim, then at least an inch of froth! Delightful...

Today, replaced some rotted wood trim on a shop in town. Managed to only hammer one nail - right pinky - but banned by the hubby from raking.... Hand and all that....

Doing more research for the students and finding more good stuff online. Loved this photo book review magazine called Photo-Eye Booklist - No longer in print but their website is a gem! And they provide links to colleges! Perfect! Then reading about independent publishing - by artists - and about the displays that will be out and about at the Washington, DC Foto Fest I am going to during teacher's convention weekend. VERY excited for that!!!

And, tonight, a new Sherlock Holmes on Masterpiece Mystery! Oh dear, does it get any better?

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