Wednesday, October 20, 2010


So we had our volunteer meeting in town tonight. It went so well. There is a member of our committee who is very negative, takes no criticism and contributes nothing at this point. His two year project is complete and he is a downer at each meeting and rude. Lucky for us he was at the Yankee game. It was so much fun and we discussed and planned so much in only an hour and a half! Woo hoo!


I have not done a stitch of gardening, we have to change the urns in town over to holiday greenery on the 21st of November and my hand and wrist hurt the same, perhaps more, than when I started the medicine. This is aggravating. I fear I will not be able to help with the changeover and that I will let the director of that project down. Last year I caught cellulitis during the mums planting, now this... Jeez...

And I am winning the "most parents on p/t conference night" versus Demsey so far... Who will come out on top? Who knows... I am keeping my fingers crossed. Vasa - 8; Demsey - 6(?). Tee heeee....

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