Sunday, October 10, 2010

So today I did 2.5 hours at the M-K house. Filled one bag of debris, but made three piles of clippings and such that I could not fit into bags. There are vines that have been choking lilac trees and bushes for probably decades. I had a tug-of-war with those vines, falling on my butt a few times. But, I won. Piles of the cut vines attest to my success! Weeds and vines are no match for me! Mother sat in a car to keep me company. Yes, it is silly. Do not know how that kept me company, but whatever makes her happy... Still have only had one person involved thank me for all the work I am doing... but, the place looks great!

Since my hand is hurt, I figured I might as well go gangbusters and do all the manual work I can before the appointment with the surgeon on Friday. This also includes doing art. Last week I painted a ton of photos. Last night, I scoured and clipped from a newspaper, adding to my collection. Today, I plan to finish those photo collages. I also finished sewing the inserts to the greeting cards I made and made the packages for the two craft shows my sister and I have tables at this week. I tied the cards together with spare raffia. Good thing I never throw stuff out!

I saw an old friend in Portland had his photos in a gallery this week. The images look so nice! They must be taken with a toy camera - Holga? Diana? - and are not printed very large. But so dreamy and moody! I have a pile of shows to send work to. Would like to get into one in the area. The last few I got into were either out of the area or online. After going to two gallery openings near home Thursday night, I have a hankering for going to openings again.

Lots of work to do...

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