Wednesday, October 27, 2010


Watched last night's episode on the recent history of BP. Happy I purchased I hybrid. Wish I could take more public transportation. However, if I have to have arm surgery, that may be a reality...

While trying to fall asleep, I realized why I am consumed by something people probably think is so minor. I use both hands all day, every day. I use them when I teach to demo, I use them for my own art - and, all teachers should be practitioners in their field (it is called walking the walk, not just talking the talk) - I use them when I work around the house, I use them when I garden, I use them to read... If I were the type to watch television a lot or read nothing but trashy, cheap magazines, I would have no problem. But it is over 70 degrees in late October and I cannot do a bit of garden work. I cannot finish some house repairs I need to do, I can't do the felting and sculpture work I have been planning to do.... Not devastating yet, but how will I decorate the house and bake for Christmas?!?

I am also stressing the importance of National Portfolio Day and prepping for college applications, scholarships, school visits.... Falling on deaf ears since September, I fear. Last year, only one person went to NPD. The colleges do not get back to me regarding visits, and the photography program is the only one that has had anyone receive a summer scholarship for pre-college, and we have three levels of classes now. Whatever is getting in the way, it is not detrimental to me, it is detrimental to the students. Some colleges are great and I appreciate that, but is it because we are not a "known" school? Please... take a look at the work coming from our Photo students... they are worth the time to visit....

Just getting very aggravated with complacency, laziness, excuses, sneakiness, competition, etc... Thank goodness for the excited students.

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