Sunday, October 31, 2010

To Do...

1. Get 3" screw to try to fix DR's free vintage tri-pod.
2. Update Wordpress site.
3. Esty work.
4. Re-do the portfolios.
5. Apply to more shows.

I can cross #'s 1 and 2 off the list! Looked up some websites of photographers I saw in the first Paterson Art Walk two years ago and was reminded of how great their work is. Inspired to shoot more. Now I just need the alone time to do it.

Went to Shrewsbury last night to see Czepiel's sculpture in an art show. The place was packed with people and the work accepted into the show was just amazing. It was about women whose lives have been touched by cancer. There were tissue boxes around - needed - and so many bad stories. Makes me wonder why cancer is so prevalent. Or did we just not title it that hundreds of years ago? But Czep's piece was so good. I am so proud of her and truly hope this will move her to find the time to make more of her own work.

I also just found out that my friend Randi had two of her paper sculptures accepted into a show at City Without Walls in Newark. This is a big deal venue. They have such great contemporary stuff. And, get this.... she is an art teacher in Newark! Her dad just passed away and this is something that is very good for her. Super proud of all my friends...

Sense a theme here? Yes, I firmly believe that if you teach it you should practice it. Look at some of PV's science and history teachers - some, not all - and you see people who love and live their subject matter. I can understand the first couple of years in the profession take a lot out of you and you never can make your own art. But after that? Sorry, don't just talk the talk, walk the walk...

Now let's see how many trick-or-treaters we get. Our hill is so steep, they ususally skip it, then we have all this leftover candy and hubby eats it all and I want more and, well, I think I may give out asthma inhalers for Halloween next year.... Just to get some foot traffic....

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