Saturday, October 16, 2010


Sold a five-pack of handmade greeting cards and a bottle cap pin at the fall festival in town today! $13 does not make me rich, but at least I was able to give out some business cards!

Orthopedic surgeon put me on a steroid anti-inflammatory to take care of the pain that is caused by the nerve issue. Three pills later and the pain seems greater and more intense though I am resting it. Let my alderman's wife know today that I have been ordered by the surgeon to take a break from working on the M-K House. She said it is ok and when I can start up again in the spring, I can do so even if they have the caretaker living there! Woo hoo!!! Not what mother and hubby want to hear, but made me happy. They thanked me for volunteering and I said "oh, thank you for letting me!" If the meds do not work, I will have to see a neurologist. I don't like that the pill will make me jittery - sis told me that means "anxiety" - so it is a very good thing I no longer do yearbook. I would be an absolute WRECK right now! Mother said that what I have is what their friend had in both arms and wrists and he needed surgery to fix it. Hmmm...

I saw that the protest the students went to yesterday went very well. So excited for them and need to go to flickr to see the pics. Extremely proud of students taking the initiative and not being lazy...

Now on to flickr and scanning images to submit for a show... Jeez my hand hurts...

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