Friday, October 22, 2010


...another security code...

Did not get home until close to midnight last night. Went to be with a friend and her family -after getting out of p/t conferences- because her father died Wednesday. Rough ride to her house on route 80 - a full moon and a crazy driver do not make a good mix. I really thought I could make it in today but once I got home, I just knew it was too much. We have the record fair tomorrow - WFMU fundraiser where I shop like crazy - and a volunteer facade project on Main Street Sunday. Too, too much. So my first sick day for the year. Barely a dent in the number I have racked up...

I always feel like I am playing hookey - I am the type who never cut a class, never had a detention, etc. - so I feel real bad being home.

So what will I do once I defragment my hard drive? Look up more indie photo zines for one special one, look up art colleges in the Carolinas for another sweetie, and any other stuff I can squeeze in....

Then I have to peruse my record wish list and get psyched for tomorrow. I did walk to sister's house to accompany her on a walk with Lucy. I did not get spit up on this time, but heck, there is always Sunday!

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