Thursday, October 28, 2010


So many things about this holiday... a celebration of life and death... I always found All Saint's Day interesting as a kid. Which was creepier- October 31 or November 1? Though as a teacher, I dread the day because of all the skin showing. Please, kids, cover up!!!!


Lucy is dressing up as a black cat! And our friends are dressing one of their dogs up! I may try to dress Millie up... she didn't mind wearing a Santa hat last Christmas, so, what the heck. I might as well try.

I do hope it is nice weather. We live on such a steep hill that we barely get any trick-or-treaters as it is, and when the weather is bad, forget it!

Made the appointment for the neurological tests on my arm and hand. They are next Thursday. Fun, fun, fun...

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