Sunday, October 31, 2010

To Do...

1. Get 3" screw to try to fix DR's free vintage tri-pod.
2. Update Wordpress site.
3. Esty work.
4. Re-do the portfolios.
5. Apply to more shows.

I can cross #'s 1 and 2 off the list! Looked up some websites of photographers I saw in the first Paterson Art Walk two years ago and was reminded of how great their work is. Inspired to shoot more. Now I just need the alone time to do it.

Went to Shrewsbury last night to see Czepiel's sculpture in an art show. The place was packed with people and the work accepted into the show was just amazing. It was about women whose lives have been touched by cancer. There were tissue boxes around - needed - and so many bad stories. Makes me wonder why cancer is so prevalent. Or did we just not title it that hundreds of years ago? But Czep's piece was so good. I am so proud of her and truly hope this will move her to find the time to make more of her own work.

I also just found out that my friend Randi had two of her paper sculptures accepted into a show at City Without Walls in Newark. This is a big deal venue. They have such great contemporary stuff. And, get this.... she is an art teacher in Newark! Her dad just passed away and this is something that is very good for her. Super proud of all my friends...

Sense a theme here? Yes, I firmly believe that if you teach it you should practice it. Look at some of PV's science and history teachers - some, not all - and you see people who love and live their subject matter. I can understand the first couple of years in the profession take a lot out of you and you never can make your own art. But after that? Sorry, don't just talk the talk, walk the walk...

Now let's see how many trick-or-treaters we get. Our hill is so steep, they ususally skip it, then we have all this leftover candy and hubby eats it all and I want more and, well, I think I may give out asthma inhalers for Halloween next year.... Just to get some foot traffic....

Saturday, October 30, 2010


Thanks to the Corcoran for cluing me in to this photographer....


The hubby and I are going to Shrewsbury tonight to an art opening. Czepiel has a sculpture in a show! The show's focus is on cancer and its effects on women - how cancer touches our lives. Her piece is soooo good. I cannot wait! Hooray for another PV art teacher exhibiting work.

Tried sewing last night. I do not like using a needle threader unless really desperate. I use the right hand to thread the needle. It hurt like hell. My hand cramped up... I am dying to be outside gardening - deadheading, raking, covering the beds with a blanket of leaves for overwintering. I don't like to verbally complain about pain - I like to just "suck it up" and move on - but this is too much... Dying to work on some sculptures but can't....

I have decided to re-do my portfolios. I have two and the art is just piling up in them. So I will spruce them up - take out the education stuff, because I think when I am done teaching at PV, I am done teaching - and bring them in to show the Photo II and III. Then I have to add more to my Wordpress and complete a few more submissions that are due while I will be down in DC for Foto Week next weekend.

And can I just say how excited I am for Foto Week? Now I have the T1i and more toy cameras, and gosh, it is just so exciting!!!

Friday, October 29, 2010


... thankfully did not see much of it today... Why in the world do students want to show up with barely anything on in the name of "dressing up" for Halloween? At least my students kept themselves covered!

I read some of the answers to this week's journal topic. Here is mine: I don't have a shining happiest moment. I have content moments. In life - not school - I have little emotion. I prefer to keep those private. So I like to go to a happy place in my head. That happens to be when I listen to music. So many people do drugs to go places in their minds. I never did. Music takes me to my happy place and such in my mind. I have tried to capture that place with pictures - drawing and painting never worked. I am still trying to show what I see in my mind with the camera because it has not been a success yet. And by the way, the music is not the jazz I play in class. That is a secret part of who I am...

Thursday, October 28, 2010


So many things about this holiday... a celebration of life and death... I always found All Saint's Day interesting as a kid. Which was creepier- October 31 or November 1? Though as a teacher, I dread the day because of all the skin showing. Please, kids, cover up!!!!


Lucy is dressing up as a black cat! And our friends are dressing one of their dogs up! I may try to dress Millie up... she didn't mind wearing a Santa hat last Christmas, so, what the heck. I might as well try.

I do hope it is nice weather. We live on such a steep hill that we barely get any trick-or-treaters as it is, and when the weather is bad, forget it!

Made the appointment for the neurological tests on my arm and hand. They are next Thursday. Fun, fun, fun...

Wednesday, October 27, 2010


Watched last night's episode on the recent history of BP. Happy I purchased I hybrid. Wish I could take more public transportation. However, if I have to have arm surgery, that may be a reality...

While trying to fall asleep, I realized why I am consumed by something people probably think is so minor. I use both hands all day, every day. I use them when I teach to demo, I use them for my own art - and, all teachers should be practitioners in their field (it is called walking the walk, not just talking the talk) - I use them when I work around the house, I use them when I garden, I use them to read... If I were the type to watch television a lot or read nothing but trashy, cheap magazines, I would have no problem. But it is over 70 degrees in late October and I cannot do a bit of garden work. I cannot finish some house repairs I need to do, I can't do the felting and sculpture work I have been planning to do.... Not devastating yet, but how will I decorate the house and bake for Christmas?!?

I am also stressing the importance of National Portfolio Day and prepping for college applications, scholarships, school visits.... Falling on deaf ears since September, I fear. Last year, only one person went to NPD. The colleges do not get back to me regarding visits, and the photography program is the only one that has had anyone receive a summer scholarship for pre-college, and we have three levels of classes now. Whatever is getting in the way, it is not detrimental to me, it is detrimental to the students. Some colleges are great and I appreciate that, but is it because we are not a "known" school? Please... take a look at the work coming from our Photo students... they are worth the time to visit....

Just getting very aggravated with complacency, laziness, excuses, sneakiness, competition, etc... Thank goodness for the excited students.

Monday, October 25, 2010

The hand...

... kept me up last night. Not the scary killer on Sherlock Holmes, but the hand.... Talked to a friend of the family about his cubital tunnel syndrome. Looks like that is what I have. He had same symptoms. Called the orthopedic doc today and the next step is the neurologist and nerve tests. Oh boy... needles, impulses, etc... At this point the hand tingles almost all the time and falls asleep easily.


The Sherlock Holmes on Masterpiece Mystery was sooo fantastic! It is set in modern London but not hammy - the way the Robert Downey Jr. version appeared to be - and it had us guessing the whole time. I just cannot wait until the next episode Sunday night!

I spent an hour hunting down other shows to submit to and made one submission and will be making others. I also need to update my website, but that will be for another day... need to also rid my head of this shoot I want to do, but just do not have the block of time to set aside for it.

So, with the hubby home, it is now time to put the dust particle respirator on and dust the house. The only way to dust without getting a massive allergy attack. Need someone else home while I do this so Millie doesn't get the bejeezus scared out of her when she see's me...

Sunday, October 24, 2010


Ironic security word if you read it fast considering how I detest when the students let their underthings hang out....

Had such a good time at the record fair yesterday. I have never been so wiped out from flipping records before in my life. Three pieces of vinyl, 4 cd's, and three rare UK magazines from the early 1980s! And most of what I found weren't just "oh, nice" but "whoa! been looking for that for years!" The only problem is that our Vegan restaurant guide was from 2008 and what we looked for was mostly closed. Went to Dojo's - flashback to college nighttime Village visits - and then Bruno's for the BEST cannoli and cappuccino. It is no mean feat to keep me up at night and this cappuccino did just that! Beverage to the rim, then at least an inch of froth! Delightful...

Today, replaced some rotted wood trim on a shop in town. Managed to only hammer one nail - right pinky - but banned by the hubby from raking.... Hand and all that....

Doing more research for the students and finding more good stuff online. Loved this photo book review magazine called Photo-Eye Booklist - No longer in print but their website is a gem! And they provide links to colleges! Perfect! Then reading about independent publishing - by artists - and about the displays that will be out and about at the Washington, DC Foto Fest I am going to during teacher's convention weekend. VERY excited for that!!!

And, tonight, a new Sherlock Holmes on Masterpiece Mystery! Oh dear, does it get any better?

Friday, October 22, 2010


...another security code...

Did not get home until close to midnight last night. Went to be with a friend and her family -after getting out of p/t conferences- because her father died Wednesday. Rough ride to her house on route 80 - a full moon and a crazy driver do not make a good mix. I really thought I could make it in today but once I got home, I just knew it was too much. We have the record fair tomorrow - WFMU fundraiser where I shop like crazy - and a volunteer facade project on Main Street Sunday. Too, too much. So my first sick day for the year. Barely a dent in the number I have racked up...

I always feel like I am playing hookey - I am the type who never cut a class, never had a detention, etc. - so I feel real bad being home.

So what will I do once I defragment my hard drive? Look up more indie photo zines for one special one, look up art colleges in the Carolinas for another sweetie, and any other stuff I can squeeze in....

Then I have to peruse my record wish list and get psyched for tomorrow. I did walk to sister's house to accompany her on a walk with Lucy. I did not get spit up on this time, but heck, there is always Sunday!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010


So we had our volunteer meeting in town tonight. It went so well. There is a member of our committee who is very negative, takes no criticism and contributes nothing at this point. His two year project is complete and he is a downer at each meeting and rude. Lucky for us he was at the Yankee game. It was so much fun and we discussed and planned so much in only an hour and a half! Woo hoo!


I have not done a stitch of gardening, we have to change the urns in town over to holiday greenery on the 21st of November and my hand and wrist hurt the same, perhaps more, than when I started the medicine. This is aggravating. I fear I will not be able to help with the changeover and that I will let the director of that project down. Last year I caught cellulitis during the mums planting, now this... Jeez...

And I am winning the "most parents on p/t conference night" versus Demsey so far... Who will come out on top? Who knows... I am keeping my fingers crossed. Vasa - 8; Demsey - 6(?). Tee heeee....


I watched a Nova episode last night on the building of Cathedrals. I have a real passion for Medieval and Gothic Art. If I never found a permanent teaching job, I was going to consider going for my master's in Art History to specialize in that. I can sniff out a church in London like no one else - just ask the hubby.

This special went into the problems of achieving the heights and avoiding collapse by relieving stress on the supporting arches. The clincher was some new insight into where the builders came up with their measurements. There is now speculation that they devised their measurements by looking to the Bible. It was fascinating information - I learned that there were different measurements back then - but nothing else was new. I wanted them to delve so much more into it. Look at more than just two or three cathedrals in France. Look at the measurements and proportions around Western Europe, where this frenetic building boom took place.

I had also thought I would stream it and show parts to some of the classes - work into photo somehow - but hubby is the test. If the narrator is too dry to keep him from nodding, my students will lose interest. Great test subject!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010


Again trying to post comments on blogs and the finicky-ness of the system here is too confusing. Why some Blogger accounts and not others? This doesn't work well when I am falling asleep by 9.30 pm - way before the most important posts show up!

And by the way, the hand hurts like heck. Medicine not working at all....

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Government funding...

Many students took last week's question to mean funding for arts in schools. Those students overwhelming agreed that the school should get equal funding. Interesting how the meaningful experiences shape a person's opinions! Others brought up a point - one of a few - that never dawned on me. With government funding comes government regulation. They see that as possibly too restrictive and not worth it. I am liking the way the students are thinking about all scenarios and possibilities...

A side note... the anti-inflammatory is not working. Even more pain in my hand and it even kept me up most of the night... and the irony is that I have barely used my right hand this weekend. Why don't I just do the gardening I want to do if the medicine doesn't help....

Saturday, October 16, 2010


Sold a five-pack of handmade greeting cards and a bottle cap pin at the fall festival in town today! $13 does not make me rich, but at least I was able to give out some business cards!

Orthopedic surgeon put me on a steroid anti-inflammatory to take care of the pain that is caused by the nerve issue. Three pills later and the pain seems greater and more intense though I am resting it. Let my alderman's wife know today that I have been ordered by the surgeon to take a break from working on the M-K House. She said it is ok and when I can start up again in the spring, I can do so even if they have the caretaker living there! Woo hoo!!! Not what mother and hubby want to hear, but made me happy. They thanked me for volunteering and I said "oh, thank you for letting me!" If the meds do not work, I will have to see a neurologist. I don't like that the pill will make me jittery - sis told me that means "anxiety" - so it is a very good thing I no longer do yearbook. I would be an absolute WRECK right now! Mother said that what I have is what their friend had in both arms and wrists and he needed surgery to fix it. Hmmm...

I saw that the protest the students went to yesterday went very well. So excited for them and need to go to flickr to see the pics. Extremely proud of students taking the initiative and not being lazy...

Now on to flickr and scanning images to submit for a show... Jeez my hand hurts...

Friday, October 15, 2010

I had a dream about an overcrowded middle room - aka 024 - including tons of props like a full fish tank. Then I was also demoing a flash. Should I be teaching them how to use a flash? Are my classes too crowded? Should I bee seeking out more props for the students to use during shoots? I saw someone on Freecycle was offering 200 plastic balls for a pit....

Thursday, October 14, 2010


I keep thinking about the appointment tomorrow... the great thing about a roller coaster ride of a schedule is that it takes my mind off it. But now that I am home... not so good. Going out to dinner though because Yahoo and Microsoft made me angry and I need a treat...

Registered for a chance to take a leader orientation trip over President's Day weekend to either Paris or Rome. So that means I can meet up with relatives in either locale. But not all of them speak English... and I have not used any French since high school and my Italian teachers in college were not of the quality that my high school French teacher was, to say the least... crash course in French (or Italian) time!

As I was looking at my students' images today (I, II & III) I felt like a proud mama. I can't believe how quickly the I's are able to know what they like and do not like. And how quickly some of them are grasping good composition! So happy. Then I see what the II's and III's are doing and I just want to show their work to the world. They are doing and thinking of such good things! Makes me really love this job.

No sale...

Sister and I worked a craft show last night. Our first one... There was very little traffic. No sales. The lady at the table across from us bought 5 boxes of our mother's cookies. Sigh... Have another craft shot Saturday. That one is all day. But I just found out my table is right next to the table for the town group I volunteer for. Do not really want to have to talk to anyone at that table b/c I am thinking of quitting the group. Not happy with the leader and how the money is being handled, among other things. People did like my pins last night, though. Perhaps I will sell some eventually.

Trying to leave comments on a number of the Photo II blogs, but I can't do it here at work. Grrr.... Then when I get home and on the computer, I get distracted by doing other work, so I forget to leave the comments... Don't bother writing a note to myself... I will forget to look at it.

Had a dream last night about checking into a hospital for a surgery. That was most likely because of tomorrow's appointment with the orthopedic surgeon. Most people would not like the prospect of being cut open, but if it relieves this pain in my wrist and hand, I want it ASAP...

Monday, October 11, 2010


So, my face is a mess - no smart comments, people. In my fury yesterday, I was reckless and let the branches rebound and slap me silly. Now I look like I was beat up. Upon seeing me this morning, my mother asked what happened to my face. Where do I begin? But this was in reference to the red streaks. Yes, I look like I was scratched and punched. But gosh, the property looks great and it was worth it. I just use first aid cream like moisturizer for a few days...

In desperate need of a hair dye session. Tried burgundy henna, but a new brand. It is a looong process - three hours to cure the solution, then put the muck in the hair, cover with a plastic cap and warm hair frequently. So I am on the computer with the plastic cap and this hair dryer/hair cap thingy I found in grandma's attic when she died. It's pretty 50's retro. I have the cap on and this vacuum hose going from the cap to the machine and all plugged in. When on, the cap inflates like an alien helmet. Then, the phone rings. It is the dj from a station I listen to. I do freecyle and she wanted some magazines and I have them and we missed each other during the day and, gee whiz, she is just 10 minutes away and can she come over to pick them up! Hubby laughs hysterically as I frantically wash the mud out of my hair. Can't answer the door like that! Made myself decent - as best as I could - before her arrival. She liked what I had, took a bunch, and I hoped that she did not smell the stench emanating from my hair. Henna smells a bit like wet grass clippings after fermenting for a few weeks. She was very nice, liked our town, left and I proceeded to wash the rest of the greenery out. Head up to the first floor bathroom to admire the colour and see... nothing! Four hours of work and NO COLOUR!!! Back to the chemical stuff from now on...

Sunday, October 10, 2010

So today I did 2.5 hours at the M-K house. Filled one bag of debris, but made three piles of clippings and such that I could not fit into bags. There are vines that have been choking lilac trees and bushes for probably decades. I had a tug-of-war with those vines, falling on my butt a few times. But, I won. Piles of the cut vines attest to my success! Weeds and vines are no match for me! Mother sat in a car to keep me company. Yes, it is silly. Do not know how that kept me company, but whatever makes her happy... Still have only had one person involved thank me for all the work I am doing... but, the place looks great!

Since my hand is hurt, I figured I might as well go gangbusters and do all the manual work I can before the appointment with the surgeon on Friday. This also includes doing art. Last week I painted a ton of photos. Last night, I scoured and clipped from a newspaper, adding to my collection. Today, I plan to finish those photo collages. I also finished sewing the inserts to the greeting cards I made and made the packages for the two craft shows my sister and I have tables at this week. I tied the cards together with spare raffia. Good thing I never throw stuff out!

I saw an old friend in Portland had his photos in a gallery this week. The images look so nice! They must be taken with a toy camera - Holga? Diana? - and are not printed very large. But so dreamy and moody! I have a pile of shows to send work to. Would like to get into one in the area. The last few I got into were either out of the area or online. After going to two gallery openings near home Thursday night, I have a hankering for going to openings again.

Lots of work to do...

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Snip snip?

Went to the dr. today to get the results of an MRI on my right wrist. His words? "You have a lot going on in that little wrist." A tear here, some fluid there, and a cyst and I now have an appointment with an orthopedic surgeon. And apparently possible arthritis. I whimpered "But I'm not even 40!" Pathetic. So, this does not look good. But, since it's already damaged, might as well keep on working with it. Mother, father and hubby will tell me to not do anymore work on the grounds at the M-K house. However, unless they lock me up, I will be volunteering this weekend! I have SO much more to do and it turns out that the possible tenant/groundskeeper backed out. They need me!!!

I had the Maine College of Art in period 7 today. I am so proud of my II's and III's! I like this school because of its small size and the ability to give individualized attention. I know it's not for everyone, but it just might be the one for one or two kids... The class was quiet and respectful and I really liked the film at the end of the presentation...

Then... period 8. Well, not good. Let's just say that after that class I get the news on my wrist. Thank goodness Millie is showing me love.

Now off the blog to do some research on this surgeon...

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Ben Gay... I know you well...

Accidentally did three hours at the M-K house today. I heard the 12 o'clock whistle and thought "Oops!" I was ankle deep in poison ivy and only filled two garbage bags, but managed to clean out a lot. The boy scouts were there recently - and in the paper for it - cleaning out garbage from the grounds. They removed the swing set - good - but I found lots of garbage still there. Not impressed with their work and I have high standards. Hmph...

I untangled a big bush from a plethora of strangling vines and cut the stems of some vines strangling the trees there. Also unearthed some more nice plants in a small plot near the house. Not getting any thanks or recognition for this yet and on top of that, the organization I volunteer for is ticking me off for always relying on the same people all the time - me, hubby, etc. - and the aldermen are still delaying adopting my rewrite of the litter codes. Getting annoyed but still going...

My back kills right now but I can't put ben-gay on it b/c we are going to a fundraiser buffet at an historic Episcopal church in town. Our friends are members and even though we don't go there, they support good causes. We are walking there - ouch - but once we get home, I think it's ben-gay bath for moi!

Might close the pool tomorrow... if Millie ever gets off my lap!


Today's security code... am I spiteful? Nah... however, once I have been treated badly, I do not forget, and I rarely forgive. Some have called the resulting behaviour spiteful... I call it watching out for myself and at some jobs, you gotta do what you gotta do...

But, I am extremely excited today... I go back to the M-K house to do more property work. The sun is finally out and all the rain should make pulling weeds a breeze. I am armed and ready - yard tools, gloves, long sleeves and long pants... woo hoo!!!