Wednesday, February 2, 2011

All I hear are icicles falling from the gutters... I have wanted to knock them off so badly but that will ruin the gutters...

Second round of nerve testing yesterday... nothing seems to come up with the muscle testing... but the pain is still there and increasing... wondering if it is just arthritis increasing very quickly. That would truly stink.

We have two shows we are getting ready for: Pingry and Teen Art Jam. Czeps saw some of the work I am putting in and just flipped for them... hopefully the judges will too. That would really make the students feel good.

Reading a biography of Judy Chicago right now. Hubby gave it to me for Christmas. Was never super into her until I saw a retrospective of her work at the NMWA in DC years ago. I felt that her work meant something much more when viewed in person. So this book delves into her family history and is just so fascinating. One thing that struck me was the fact that Chicago is talked about as a woman who may seem abrasive but is just speaking her mind. Too bad my co-workers can't understand this type of woman... sigh...

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