Wednesday, December 1, 2010


So I registered with Freecycle in the hopes of getting some things for the classes and getting rid of some stuff at home. I have managed to get rid of a pile of magazines - given to a DJ form my favourite station! - and acquire a pile of classical 78's. Nothing for the kids yet. I almost had a vinyl portfolio for them to transport their stuff and a Minolta camera. But I am always second or third in line.


There are some freaky funny things offered. Underwear, pads, tampons.... but this morning I saw one that beat them all...

"Chicken souls any of them...."

Now I know what this person means - the chicken soup is good for the soul books - but..... this is just hilarious...

Do you think I could ask for some rocker souls? I'll take a Jim Morrison, Sid Vicious, Jeffrey Lee Pierce, and Michael Hutchence. Let me know when I can pick them up.....

In other news, my sister and I had our first Etsy sale! She sold a hand made book! Woo-hoo! Maybe sales will take off now.... not really.

Went to the Met yesterday. I had so much fun. The photo exhibits were amazing. I really do love the Photo-Secessionists. After much thought, my vote goes to Steichen. Then we ventured around and found the period rooms. Then... the open storage. I could barely contain my excitement! You have to understand, the museum does not always have all galleries open due to budget constraints. So every time I have been there, those galleries are closed. But, after over 15 years of trying to get in, I DID!!! Demsey is definitely good luck. All the beautiful furniture, the decor, the history! I was in heaven. And I think the students had fun too. They each received a free pass for the family, and they had better use it!

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