Friday, December 3, 2010


Yes, another security word...

Funny, because I am going out to eat tonight. There is a town nearby with two gallery openings tonight so we will be going to those then to a nearby Thai restaurant. Wearing pants that will give me the room I need to fill the tummy...

So because I have been swamped this week - worried about getting the students to complete their Scholastic submissions, prepping work for another student show, HPC meeting, a sold item on Esty and dealing with the banking stuff and more! - I forgot to look at my pile of show submission forms. I missed 5 good ones! I am sooo ticked at myself. There were a couple I truly wanted to try to get in... But that is what happens when you fall asleep by 9.00 pm almost every night....

Also hoping to print a bit in the darkroom this weekend. Developed the 120 film from DC and they look good.

Wanted to go to a Christie Town Hall meeting in Parsippany today after work, but got out at 3.00 and it had started at 2.45. I couldn't expect to waltz in that late. He was there mainly because the town's school super recently signed a multi-year contract for well over $250k. And then this week, the Newark police force union stopped negotiations with the city and one reason was reportedly over not wanting to make concessions regarding overtime. Sigh... and teachers do not make anywhere near $250k and do not make overtime but we have the rotten reputation. Then I look at the pictures from my parents' trip to visit relatives in Italy this past July and see the gorgeous centuries old house mom's cousin has and he and his wife are retired teachers! I do not want a huge house - I like mine fine - but I just wish the respect and appreciation was a little more THERE..... The students learn to disrespect us because their parents see us as the problem and their governor sees us as the problem and we are robbing them blind...

I think I should have told the Cablevision guy at my door yesterday that I can't afford cable TV because I am a public school teacher, not one of the 2% some politicians think deserve more tax cuts....

Where is the fairness? And yeah, can you guess third period was rough and I was irked seventh period?

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