Sunday, December 19, 2010


After stress last night, I decided to bake right away this morning. Managed to get three recipes done in 2.5 hours!

I was hoping to wake up to snow and no such luck.

Santa comes through town on a fire truck. I heard the truck and saw it one block up. Got Millie to show her Santa and... there he goes, turning left down the hill, skipping our block! Just like when the ice cream man started to come up our street, the kids are out across the street ready to buy, and there he goes, throwing it into reverse back down the hill to turn around! Jeez... living on one of the steepest hills in town just stinks sometimes!

Usually I am really stressed out this time of year. I am way behind on baking and/or shopping. But without yearbook, I am not behind! It feels so strange... but good. I am almost done with grading too... I really like this...

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