Sunday, December 5, 2010


The tree is done!!! I finished today using a mix of old Shiny Brite glass ornaments dumpstered and Grandma and Grandpa Berry ornaments. Had to borrow lights from sister... I give it a week before a string goes out...

Hubby started on the outside but too cold to finish. We will have three light-up deer in the backyard, visible from the street!

I also just completed a submission to a gallery. This was so involved - artist statement, bio, resume, slide list - and I just wish there was a standard file size for all galleries. This way I could keep the digital files all set and just change the name. Some want 300 dpi, some want no bigger than 1000 pixels in any dimension, some want no more than 1 MB. Annoying and time consuming. I tossed two applications from the pile - my work wasn't quite right for them... I have another two I want to do this week. And about another 10 with varied due dates... And I still have a shoot idea jingling around my brain that I have to do...

But tomorrow night I go to the aldermen meeting at town hall. They are adopting higher litter fines courtesy of yours truly. I - with the help of the Design Team - rewrote the litter codes. But they don't seem to need they revamping. The only thing they agreed with me on was that the fines need to be higher. So I will show my face there as appreciation, but also to speak about enforcement... Let's see how well that goes over - two strikes against me are that I am female and not a "long-timer" in the town...

And now to go rest and read with hubby and Millie....

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