Wednesday, December 22, 2010


There might be snow Christmas weekend! Woo hoo!!!!

I am nearly done with all the grading. One thing that was disappointing was that the Photo I classes didn't really get the idea of formal portraiture. Did they get lazy about it or did I not convey the idea strongly enough? So I cannot grade that too harshly...

This is the week of gluttony because of the goodies for the teachers all week and my tummy felt it last night! I couldn't even eat dinner! but I do not do the Christmas party thing in my classroom. We always get a not telling us not to. I know most teachers do, but I do not want to get caught breaking rules...

Excited to do some art this break and cuddle with Millie...

but the sore throat is back with a vengeance and that is not good... and I need to be able to yell at the students not working... ugh.....

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