Sunday, December 26, 2010

Plans? What plans?

So there is a blizzard coming. Apparently if you do not have cable TV, you have your "head in the sand" - as sister lovingly put it. Three phone calls around 9 am wanting to let us know about the blizzard coming. You see, this was the day we were going to New Hope to see the Vasa's for Christmas. But, silly people, I have... internet and knew about the impending weather! Ha ha! And brother-in-law even called to see if we need anything! Good grief... We do buy food and necessities...

So I wore a Christmas top that was a gift last year and everyone at Christmas Eve loved it! The food was good and none of the non-fun relatives were there. That made it pleasant... then watching Lucy ham it up on Christmas morning was a trip! Not that I like other babies, so do not get the wrong idea. The students are still going to be my only children... but Lucy is a barrel of fun, when she's not screaming...

I was wondering about some of the gifts students received since some mothers contacted me about gifts... so I am hoping to see some posts... now to shop for silent films on the Kino Video site. Heck, I may even buy something!

Can't wait to shovel....

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