Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Ho hum...

So laundry is almost done, the radiator in the upstairs bath is scrubbed - last one to do - I spent a couple hours on art, read like crazy yesterday, and I now think I deserve a nap... I found a couple more art shows to submit to and started working on scanning stuff to enter in them. My negatives from the Diana Mini are better than the photos printed from them. I wish I could have Walgreens just process the film without printing the images. I could just bring the film to another place that would do just that, but it would be expensive...

I have my sister's old iMac and worked on the images on that. It is weird... I have to use the mouse on the right b/c of the table it is on and the monitor is smaller than my Dell, but then on top of all that, the Mac-isms are hard to get used to again. The last time I worked on one was at the job in NYC and that was before teaching! Heck, that was on Photoshop version 3, for crying out loud! Not really frustration, just ssslllooooowwwly learning how to work on a Mac again... I am thinking it would be easier to have the two computers on a network so I do not have to transfer images on the flash drive all the time, but heck, why spend the money?

Speaking of spending money... Kino Video has a sale going on and I shopped and bought - they are two different things, you know... I ordered the restored full Metropolis, The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari and a DVD of 100-year-old Christmas footage! I can't wait until they come in. I missed the Caligari showing at the NGA one year in DC and have never seen it... I am thinking of getting the special Nosferatu set too and this German Expressionist box set and an American Horror box set... all silent films, of course! And then I can bring them all in for the Photo students to watch when they claim they have nothing to do!

I tend to get itchy when I have nothing to do or read, so it suits me to have lots of little projects this break. I am also testing the right arm/hand situation. The doc upped one of my prescriptions because it is something that can also relieve physical pain. This work will enable me to test that... all I know is it makes me soooo tired at night. So doing more art will use that hand more... with the benefit of not being bored and getting things out of my brain and into the physical world....

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