Sunday, November 28, 2010

Almost done with the house decorating. I decided not to bother with the parents' house this year because mother always complains about having to put it all away - even though I do that too. So since they are both retired, they can do it themselves. I just have to put up my tree. But I am not so jazzed on using the free tree we have had all these years. I am really regretting not keeping my grandma and grandpa's tree. That had more meaning than the one hubby and I picked up at the curb. It is a nice 50's era fake tree, but it is short and rotund and I just wish I had the Berry tree. But, I may take my parents' tree - if they still have it and if it fits in our house. It was pre-lighted and taaaallllll. We shall see. I am thinking of going with a silver and blue theme if I have to use our tree; red, green and gold if mom and dad's tree.

We were supposed to paint the tattoo parlor in town on Friday but the rain predictions, cold and wetness from the night before squashed that. So hubby and I are doing it today. All the volunteers all have plans for today! I joked that I should get a discount for the labour. But, Vasa-rooney has no tats. Even if I did, I would do a Reggie Miller and keep it a secret! I always wanted to know what Reggie had on his back - the parts that peeked out of his jersey looked like a nice work of art! The nice thing is that we are treating ourselves to dinner out for the hard work.

Baby sat the parents' cats too. Two trips a day to clean litter boxes, fill tummies and scratch chins. Gimpy is the salty old-timer. But she seems to be handling the presence of the new one well. Ernie is a black cat with a large head, crossed eyes, and peeping meow that showed up one day. I think my parent should set up a group home for cats and try to get services from the state... Father cut a hole in the garage door and installed a keyed cat-door. Ernie will soon have a collar and locked entry that only he can get through! Life practically revolves around these two fuzzy disabled cats! I do not ever recall my parents being this accommodating for my sister or me.... ever! Hmph!

Oh, and had to purchase a new printer. The hp is not working out well. It jammed and then the new cartridge leaked ink all over the interior and hp was no help. So, I cleaned the whole thing and it prints but my color cartridge is a waste and it feeds the paper in a funny way. Not doing too well at all. I may donate it... But there was a great sale on an Epson with good reviews. After the "We can't help that our ink ruined your printer, but you can buy a new one" attitude at hp, it is back to Epson for me...

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