Monday, August 30, 2010


So I thought I would use Blogger security codes for the titles of my entries...

I am itching like crazy!!! These hives are sooooo bad and I have an in-service tomorrow. Thinking of wearing shorts to it so that the male teachers who laughed at me last year at a meeting will think I have something contagious and not come near me. Oh, did I forget to write about that incident? Silly me. I'm feeling kind of salty so here goes...

At the last union meeting of the school year, we buy ourselves lots of pizza so it is a lunch get together and a meeting. Birds of a feather flock together so I am at a table in the senior cafe with art and music people and a couple of other great fellows and gals. Across the room, a table of all majority-testosterone-possessing teachers - aka male. All of a sudden I notice one-by-one they turn to look at me and my two female friends from the department. And they are laughing while looking at us or me. Couldn't tell exactly which of us got the gaze. No, none of us had cheese dripping from our chins or a need to use a tissue, if you know what I mean... So, I stared back for a bit, then went on with our business of enjoying each other...

My question... why must some people be this immature? No idea. But I have to say I have worked in a few different fields - publishing, paparazzi, a major sports organization - and in four other school districts. Never have I encountered this type of behaviour. Did it bother me? Well, they aren't my kind of people, so no. I don't really fit in with most people and I tend to stick with those who accept me for the unique person I am. Hence, the reason you will never see me take lunch in the teacher's cafe. But, if a teacher behaves this immaturely towards one of his colleagues - and this was a whole table of them - who's saying they behave maturely in the classroom? Just wondering...

Now, on the other hand, SUPER excited for the new school year and meeting three periods of new Photo I kids and seeing the Photo II & III kids. I just hope they are all as excited as I am...

Gotta go soak in the pool now and numb these damn hives before I scratch the bejeezus out of them!

Enjoy the picture of me with my "cutest baby in the world" niece Lucy...


( suspect katherine ) said...

mine was: "siropar" hm.


dude, if you could only see these testosterone alpha males in the classes! we can gab all about it when i come to visit in the winter! cannot wait !!!

Vasa said...

Oh, please do visit. And you should see the other faces this baby makes. Wow...

( suspect katherine ) said...

hello! thank you for all the comments you leave on my blog! its just like being in 026!!! cannot wait to visit and swap stories!

Vasa said...

I'm glad it doesn't bother you. Your writing is so nice to read! I can't wait for you to visit either!