Friday, August 13, 2010

Sharing is caring...

... and I get the giggles when the big high school kids use that term in class. Unfortunately, hubby likes to share sometimes - note, not all the time; he is an only child - and he shared his sick with me. Ugh. Sore throat and stuffiness. So while I wanted to see Lucy last night or tonight, that is no longer a possibility. I also was dying to work at Miller-Kingsland but the rain nixed that yesterday and I feel like poo-poo today. No sleep last night and couldn't even rest on the sofa b/c Millie was snuggled asleep on her red blankie on the middle cushion. So I just wandered and walked in circles in the dark hoping to drain my nose.

I did make some lavender sachets yesterday on the sewing machine. Millie was with me hunting and attacking craps of fabric on the floor. She's so cute!!! And the basement smells of lavender since that's where I separate the flowers from the stems. Better than the usual musty smell!

Finished the William K. book this morning. Should be required reading in all contemporary history classes... got me veeerrrrrry angry.

I did get a Diana 35 and a Holga as gifts from sister and plan to start with Diana today.... if I don't fall asleep first...

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