Thursday, August 19, 2010


Ok Photo people, past and present... There is a tentative meeting for all interested students and parents/guardians on the 14th of September. There will be a representative from the tour company there. If I found out on our first day of work that I have to reschedule, I will post the new date here and on PB Works.

Also, according to Demsey, the "heating unit" - you know, the one that never really kept us warm in the winter - has been replaced. So.... could that mean we may reach a balmy 65 in room 026 this winter? One can only hope!

Oh, and I started shooting with my Diana 35 and I LOVE IT!!!! It is so cute and tiny - much like my first ever camera that took 126 film cartridges - and sturdy! Cue squeals of delight.....

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