Sunday, August 29, 2010

Mistaken Identity...

So after some research, apparently certain bumble bees do not sting. The rest do. And the kicker... they do not have barbs on the stingers, so when the pull out the stinger, it does not break off, meaning they can sting you again and again! And the stings after the first are worse because there are now antibodies present, making the reaction worse! Ugh... and those who are allergic - me - can get a variety of reactions. Me, well, those weren't varied bites on me from bedtime. They are hives. Apparently stage one allergic reaction involves swelling, redness and soreness at the location of the sting and hives that itch all over the body...

Oh, and did you know that heat and sweat can make you itch even more? Ugh..... time to go back in the freezing pool to numb myself!

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