Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Lucy Rose...

is here. I am the only one who spent the whole day in the hospital or kitty sitting and was not allowed to go see her. "Someone" told the nurse I had a reaction on my skin - though it is not contagious like poison ivy! - and I received the message I was not allowed in. But I could come in today with sleeves on and no one will know! Thanks a lot!

But when I saw the picture of her on the camera - the ones I was supposed to be taking - I thought she looked familiar. Keep in mind I think all babies look the same. While I was at sister's house kitty sitting - I am the ONLY one doing this and 4 times a day I might add - my sister called from the hospital - the only person who appreciates me even some of the time - and she thanked me for being there all day and for kitty sitting. Then she said that Lucy looks like me. That's why she looked familiar to me! Heh heh....

They may not appreciate me but they now have two of me to look at! Sweet revenge!


Anonymous said...

Awww! You're going to be the coolest aunt ever!! Congrats all around :D

Vasa said...

Thanks Millie!